Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Christmas From The Heart

It’s not too late for this one, eh?

01. Joy to the World
02. Angels We Have Heard on High
03. O Come All Ye Faithful
04. Silent Night
05. The First Noel
06. O Holy Night
07. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
08. I'll Be Home for Christmas
09. Pat-A-Pan
10. What Child Is This
11. Riu Riu Chiu
12. Ave Maria
13. Melodies of Christmas

Everytime I listen to this album, I can’t help but sigh. It’s like Ondoy and Pepeng haven’t really affected the country. Or the Maguindanao massacre has not really occurred. Nor Mt. Mayon is not going to erupt any moment by now. Like there is still room for love, for joy in this world. For peace for that matter. Srsly. In a way you may say I am exaggerating things, but seriously, that’s how I felt while listening to this awesome album.
I mean, it’s Christmas. No matter how many trials there have been, or how horrible this decade was, WORST DECADE as they coined it, Christmas is when Jesus first came into our world and knowing that fact, well, everything will be just fine.

Back to David’s album, it’s cool that he’s been able to have this kind of seasonal album and show us what he’s capable to do. He’s even open to do an all-Spanish album, right? It also gives us a different take on the Christmas songs that we’ve grown up with, added up with the right amount of pop, and bouncing moves (lol) and powerful voice that is surely for the winnnn! Worth the buy. Worth listening. Awwww. You just gotta love David Archuleta. ;-)


Saturday, 12 September 2009

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

MOVIE NIGHT: Driving Lessons

We had an early day off of school yesterday and as usual, we went to town, haha. The usual routine: first stop- bookshop (to search for some books/magazines), bakeshop (to buy foods), walk thru the streets (and buy some Chicken Pops along the way) annnnd lastly, to hunt for some interesting new, not-so-new up to the classic, movies/DVD.

Yee! Luckily, I get to see this Driving Lessons dvd for the first time and I was like, "Wha? Is this real?" haha. For everytime we go there, I am on a hunt for some Rupert Grint stuff, aside from the usual Harry Potter movies of course. Well, truth be told, Rup only has 3 movies outside Hogwarts namely Thunderpants (2001), Driving Lessons (2006) and Cherrybomb (2009). Uh there's 4, I'm sorry, it's called Wild Target and it's not yet released as of the moment. :) Cherrybomb has just wrapped up recently and was an indie film, that's why there's a very little chance of it to be shown in here (be it on theatre or dvd). Tsss. I so want to see that movie, but all I can do now is to hope.

Moving on, when I saw that DL dvd, I bought it right away haha. It's not everyday that you get to find one, yeah? And later that night, watched it again (again since I've seen the movie through the internet a couple of times). It's always refreshing though, to watch movies on your own tv, without all the distraction and buffering, lol.

So... Hm. As we all know there's a lot of DL movie reviews around the web, and here... are my thoughts about the movie. I am a Rupert fangirl, (lol yes. And proud!) but I'll try to make this one fair to everyone haha.

'Driving Lessons' means a lot to Rupert for this is somehow his attempt to make his own identity and not just be known as Harry's sidekick, Ron Weasley that is. Did he succeed then? I must say yes. He has captured the right emotion that's needed in his every scene. The shy guy Ben Marshall, who's being deprived of a normal teenage life, er, sort of, by his so-called Christian but overprotective mother, Laura (Laura Linney). It was when he worked as an assistant to Dame Evie Walton (played by Julie Walters, who happened to portray Molly Weasley in the Potter movies, Ron's mother.) that he learned how to live and stand for his own. What can I say? Julie Walters is amazing! Convincing acting, indeed. She and Rupert has this on-screen chemistry of motherly affection making their scenes so nicely done. Laura gave an awesome job too, I am really getting irked by her all throughout the movie 'cause she's so crazy. Haha. Teaching about Christianity and being good when she herself is not even a perfect one. Who is perfect, anyway. None.

What I am loathing about though is Rup's on-screen partner here, the one who gets to have his first on-screen kiss and loses his on-screen virginity with. lol She looked like an older sister to Rup. Bahaha! Srsly. Or maybe I am jealous, or maybe no. Idk. But it was sort of cool though. Rup has perfected that awkward, innocent expression on his face making his scenes come up so natural.

My favorite scene from the movie has to be this exchange of emotional lines by Ben and Evie. It's when Ben failed to come to Evie's reading in Edinburgh after being held up, er, spending the night with Bryony.

Ben: I'm not going back.
Evie: Then I'll walk.
B: You can't! You're dying!
E: I am not dying.
B: You musn't be afraid of death.
E: I am not dying!
B: God embraces all who believes in him, for they will have everlasting life.
B: I forgive you.. ..God gave you your talent for a reason.
E: There's no God, you pompous little cretin.
B: God forgives you for that too.
E: Let's get one thing clear, sunny boy! I do the forgiving, not God!
B: That's a terrible thing to say!
E: You never read the bloody thing anyway!
B: I read the Bible every night!
E: Liar!
B: Liar? You tell me I'm a liar? I'd never met anyone who lied so much in all my life! You make out all people out of thin air! You make out professations! You make out money!
E: You said you'd be there at eleven and you weren't. For one time I really needed you and you let me down at one time.

Woo! That was really intense! I've never seen Rupert that mad. Oh well, this is his first lead role, lol, that explains why. But anyway, he's, er, they pulled it off rather really well.

I also love the behind-the-scenes outtakes and the deleted scenes that's included in the dvd. It's so funny how awkward Rupert dances in their rehearsals haha. And when Julie was laughing as she forgot some of her lines that's rather adorable to watch. Rupert dancing, singing Gospel songs, reciting poems, swearing... lol awesome!

Upon watching the movie, there is this promise that somehow, he's going to be a great actor, comedy being his forte, given the right opportunity in the future. For now, I can just keep my fingers crossed for that. Harry Potter movies may come to its end come 2011, but I do hope it'll not be the end for Rupes' acting career.

So there! I tried really hard not to be so much of a fangirl but eventually, I failed, haha. And I am sorry for that. All in all, Driving Lessons is a feel good movie. Might as well you give it a try and watch (if you still haven't.)

"Thank you for having me." -Ben Marshall

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

The Pros and Cons of Being an Archie

You can never really tell when you’re getting hooked into someone/something. It just kind of happened. From the smallest stuff to the biggest names in the whole Earth, everything seemed so addicting. And this “awesome” guy named David Archuleta is never an exemption -- the guy who took not only America but the whole world by storm. Archu-storm, they say, whatever it was. ArchAngels, Archies (Archienoy if you’re a Filipino) and a lot of variations, that’s how his fans are coined. I am so glad to say that, though indirect as it may be because I am not even a member of any of his fan site/group (before, I'm a proud part of the Archuleta Philippines family now so there's that), I am one of them, lol. 

So why did I come up with this? I don’t know, really. I just thought that what I am about to tell is worth sharing and that somehow you might get to relate to it, just because somewhere, sometime, in our boring lives, we became fangirls. Just a quick reminder, though, what’s written below doesn’t necessary mean that it refers to me or that I do those stuff, lol, rather that’s what I have seen, observed and well.. Lezgo!

David at the Idol Finale red carpet. (credits to original owner)

Every admiration has its PRO's and CON's, no matter how we view it. And so here’s my take on being an Archie. 
  • You put Archu- prefix to most of the word that you know. E.g. Archu-storm, Archu-smile, Archu-family, Archu-everything and the list goes on.. 
  • You always go to Youtube to search for his latest vlogs, on-tour videos, shows, etc. 
  • You collect his pictures! 
  • Your bedroom wall is filled with Archu-stuff! (Seeeee!)
  • You have every magazine that features him, no matter how long or short the article is or how big or small the inset picture is. 
  • You smiiiiiiile a lot! Just because David loves smiling. lol 
  • You want to eat Pad Thai, though it the first time you have ever heard of it. (Pad Thai is a noodle meal from Thailand)
  • Totoro? You loooove Totoro! Hahaha! Though you can’t figure out still what kind of creature it actually was. (A Studio Ghibli/Hayao Miyazaki creation. Watch the film! It is nice.)
  • You know the lyrics of his songs by heart. 
  • You can recall every Idol moment that he had. (Remember that time Simon Cowell called him a chihuahua or when he sat on the floor when asked to choose between his co-contestants? Or the ever enchanting rendition of John Lennon's Imagine?)
  • You’re admitting that you have ODD, OAD. (Note: Obsessive David/Archuleta Disorder)
  • You easily hear when people mention his name, sing his songs even if you are literally faaaaar from the speaker/from them. (LOL. I’M so guilty of this)
  • You can answer every question related to him, his family background to favorite color to foods that he love, EVERYTHING , make that all-caps.
For greater good:

You know that you’re on the good side when:

  • You’ve met new friends from every nation, Archu-friends, online, in person, and they’re here to stay. You are kind of sure that they are the realones, the kind of friends that are worth keeping though you’ve seen them only once, er, you’ve known them because of the web. They won’t let you down, and you are like that to them. But you can’t quite agree to the fact that you have to share David with each other, lol. 
  • You refrain from swearing. Not that you are too fond of speaking swear words before, but knowing David, he seemed to be a nice guy, well, he really is, and so he has influenced you to be the nicest that you can be. 
  • You face the world with one big smiiiiiiiiiile. You realized that life isn’t that bad at all and that he’s like a ray of sunshine shining down on you, and you might influence others to smile too. Then happiness is just at hand. Being optimistic won’t hurt. Thanks, D!

Oops! This is bad.
  • When all you ever think about is him, lol, that can’t focus on the real world. 
  • When you flood/spam him with your tweets. Bah! He still needs privacy, though he is a public person. We have to be reminded by the fact that it’s a one-way relationship. We can’t expect them to reply with our rantings, as always. They’re here to share their good music and let us to appreciate it. What’s good with David is that he shows appreciation for the support that he’s getting. He never forget to thank the fans. How sweet is that. And so, don’t lose hope. Tweet once in a while. Butttt.. Try not to spam.
There. I don’t even know if this makes sense but, in any way or two, people influence you in ways you can never imagine. And that there are so many ways of showing your support to persons that you value the most. Sometimes, it’s weird, but yeah, they’re making you happy and that’s what matters, really. 

Sheesh, I can’t think straight now. LOL. I still have a lot to review and remember for our exams. Haha! But I’m positive, everything will fall into place. Bye!

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Half-Blood Prince: The best movie yet, or a little half-brewed?

So I came home yesterday and saw this newspaper lying on my table waiting to be read. It has a huge picture of PGMA of the front page, apparently regarding the State of the Nation Address (SONA) that will take place on Monday. Err.. but that's what not what I want to talk about on this post, lol. Not that I don't like her or that I don't care about the country but.... Sheesh, don't let me explain. Haha Fine. I am not fond of politics. :D

Moving on, what interests me are these Potter film reviews that I found! Good read, really.
One from a teen writer and the other I guess is from a pro, or sort.

The first one says: "While I realize that it's impossible to squish every little detail of HP6 into a two-hour movie, I do know the story well enough to discern which parts matter, and which parts can understandably be omitted for filming purposes. That being said, the movie in itself isn't a complete waste of time." Of course, it isn't a waste of time. And just like before, we can't expect, well it is really impossible for the movies to stick with the whole book.There are these disappointment but fortunately, somehow some part of it gives us satisfaction. Both the reviewers showed disappointment with the lack of focus on Snape-is-the-Half-Blood-Prince thing. But said that Alan Rickman gave a very splendid performance.

As for the individual performances, the younger reviewer mentioned how Daniel Radcliffe's acting "doesn't evolve beyond the emotional range of a teaspoon", and Bonnie Wright gave a "sup-par depiction" of Ginny Weasley and that the HP veterans really did well, Gambon, Rickman, etc.

"Rupert Grint did a stellar job of capturing Ron Weasley's sardonic sense of humor and bumbling lack of subtlety, with Jessie Cave milking Lavender Brown's over-enthusiastic advances for all it was worth." How I love reading praises for Rupert, lol. But indeed, they really did a great job on it.

There's also a deeper explanation given by the other reviewer as he elaborated on the movie's "pluses and minuses." He even said, "Yates succeeds for the most part in condensing the first several chapters of the book in a few minutes of screen time. In some instances, he even improves on Rowling, avoiding the more implausible devices she resorts to, to create or resolve plot difficulties."

"He arranges elements in a scene with the eye of a still-life painter, juxtaposing images to good effect. In an early scene, for example, Harry and his friends Hermione and Ron have a laugh. The laughter echoes as the camera slowly closes up on a picture of an unsmiling Draco printed on a page of the Daily Prophet, its edges on fire." This is actually one of those few Trio moments on HBP that I loved. Awesome.

What I kind of didn't agree on was when he said that the Non-Potter readers who has watched the movie was left befuddled and disoriented when I think that it is a Muggle-friendly movie. For my friends anyway.

"There is on departure from the book, however, that is especially felicitous. And it is a scene that Yates invented. Harry spends the holiday with the Weasleys, but he gets an unexpected visit from the Death Eaters... ...the scene affords viewers a brief but exciting wizard battle and economically obviates the one that Rowling puts in the end of the book, which had it been filmed would have been predictable and even clunky. But the scene does more than that. When, in the last 20 minutes of the movie, Dumbledore creates a protective ring of fire around Harry and himself as they cross a lake infested with Gollum-like creatures, the scene with the Weasleys is recalled as an ironic counterpoint." I think Yates has already explained the need for the addition of the Burrow's Attack scene in the movie on a recent interview that has surfaced online and can be read here so I won't elaborate much on that.

In the end, it's just their opinion, what matters most is what we think about it, ourselves. Did we like it? Was it the best or in the reviewer's term, a little half-brewed? (Me, again, I LOVED IT.)

This last one, we might all agree on.
"You can hate it or love it, criticize or praise it - either way, it's a movie that shouldn't be missed. On principle, I mean. You know, just because it's Harry Potter."


Review excerpts from:

The Philippine Star
Friday, July 24, 2009
Sections E-1, G-1.
(Thank you.)

Friday, 24 July 2009

It's crazy when... backread your blogs/writings and found out that so many things has changed from the time you wrote it and all. It's just hilarious how you are addicted to one thing before and now... you are more addicted, if that is even possible.

I remember the times when I haven't read any Potter books and wondered why everyone got so hooked into it. And now? I am even one of those Potterheads who wish to be there, on that awesome world that was created by the coolest person on Earth, Jo Rowling. Haha.

It's crazy how I gush about David Archuleta, Cook and American Idol before. Now? Lemme say I'm sort of getting crazily hooked. Haha. I even have my own Twitter account now because of..., and loving it.

I remember talking about my fave team Ginebra, and how I met people who love them too because of these online accounts. :)

The bands of whom I love the most. Yay!

Reading my previous posts is like looking back at your most valued possessions. It made you smile, reminded you of the moments you almost cried, the pranks that you did -- made you reminisce the old you, back then.

And this post is... nothing, really. I'm just killing time. Haha. Srsly, as always it's a relief, when a lot of things is flooding inside your mind. And as I put Zero Gravity in the background as I write this, and as I may backread this in the future, I hope this post would remind me of how things were bugging me - how frustrated & problematic person I am but doesn't show lol, how I easily laugh at things, how cheerful I face the situations at hand, how lucky I am having the best friends one could ever wish.. Lastly, how thankful I am to God, who lend me this life to live. :)

Now, off to school! Bye!

Now Playing : Zero Gravity | David Archuleta (for the Nth time. Ha ha! Loved it.)

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (The Side Events)

K, so this post is somehow a less serious one (Duh? As if my previous post was serious eh no? Haha. Sorreh, that's the most serious that I can manage to give yet and so.), less serious in a sense that if focuses only on the fun and laughtripping that we had from planning for months, waiting process, and then finally, seeing it on the big screen.

So it was planned waaaay long before that July 18 will be the date. I remember last sem, sometime in January, we don't even know our schedule for our fourth year yet if we'll be having classes on Saturdays but we decided to watch Harry Potter 6 in the first weekend upon its release. Also, my friends and I are fond of giving out HP Nicknames to our classmates whether they know it or not, love or hate it, less we care. Haha. I got Georgia by the way. Female George. Crazy stuff that we had. XD Having said that, I'd like to use their HP nicknames here nalang, for some privacy ek ek. lol.

So one fine April day, Dean Thomas came up to Lee Jordan, Shemus (babae kasi. Haha) and Ginny and was telling them, 'Meron na palang HP6!'. Lee was confused, 'HP6, what's that, a gadget?' thinking that it's something techy and sorts. 'HP6. Harry Potter 6.' Dang! We planned it in January and still he doesn't know that there'll be a 6th movie. We are about to die laughing. Kaya nasabi ko, 'Pakisabi naman dyan sa kaibigan mo na nagshshoot na sila ng para sa 7. At hahatiin ang 7 into two parts kaya two movies pa. Para naman di na sya magulat next time. Hahaha' My bad.

Then the naming continues until almost all our classmates have their own names already, though some of them are not aware of it. Even some of the situations that we've been into, we can't help but relate it to Harry Potter. Bless you, Harry, for getting us this hooked!

This is my favorite, maybe one of the funniest that we had.. Hagrid, Hedwig and I are about to go home after an org meeting and on the way to the waiting place Hagrid and I were talking about... what else but Harry Potter of course. Hedwig hasn't read the book yet that time. Here's how it goes...
Hagrid: Anong Patronus mo?
April: Gusto ko yung sa cat family. Tiger o kaya jaguar.
Hagrid: Eh Animagus?
April: Pusa nga. Gusto kong maging pusa. Ikaw?
Hagrid: Ibon. Gusto ko yung Agila. Ikaw *Hedwig*, pag naging Animagus ka ano ka?
Hedwig: ... Ay. Di kasi ako nanunuod ng Animè eh.

Animagus. Anime. Kill me now! Haha. She's aware of Animagus now though, bcz she has read the books.

Craziest Patronus talk that we had..
What's your Patronus?

* Butanding. Para ico-conjure palang, di pa umaatake eh natakot na yung mga Dementors. Haha!
* Butterfly. Kikilitiin lang yung mga Dementors. XD

This last Thursday, I checked the HBP screening schedules again, via the newspaper. Para makasigurado lang. Naaalala ko last time, when Freda and I planned to try Twilight, we went to this mall, we get so excited that we went straight to the groceries to buy snacks only to find out that it was not yet shown there. Bad trip! Kaya di ko na pinanood ang Twilight sa sinehan ever. Haha. Bitter. So confirmed, showing na ang HBP ng 18. Tuloy na tuloy ang lakad. XD
Too bad, Ginny met an accident and she's not able to come with us. And Luna isn't available too. Sayang. Pero tuloy pa din syempre.
Ang daming nakakatawang pantitrip naming ginawa na di kakasya sa iisang post, I guess.
One funny moment was when Bonnie Wright said her 'Take my hand' line and Lee sang the song Take My Hand by Callalily and commented, 'Maka Callalily pala si Ginny?' and Dean said, 'Di ba Touch my hand?' aba't David Archuleta pala gusto. Iibahin pa linya. Haha. Gulo.

I SO LOVE MY FRIENDS. I really enjoyed the whole experience. Harry Potter is even better if you'll watch it with your lovely pals. 'Til the next Potter movies! x

PS: But know what, I still can't get over HP6, I might watch it again, this time with my bestfriends. Yaaay! Hopefully. Haha!


MOVIE REVIEW: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Upon reading this please be reminded of a few things, (1) I'm not so good in doing reviews that's why I hesitated on making one at first; (2) I don't know anything about cinematography, it's just pure observations; Lastly (3) I'm a true blue Rupert Grint fangirl, lol, so if you find this reaction post sort of so Rupert-driven then... Oh at least I have warned you. haha
Now let's start.

The Experience.
I left our house with a mindset that no matter what, I'll enjoy the movie though I am warned that some part would be disappointing, some would just make me feel bored, etc. One thing's for sure -- I'm freaking excited to see it and it's been like that for months. (I am not the only one though, yeah? I think everyone was.) Although I have already mentioned before that HBP is my fave book in the series, I did not expect anything. Maybe that's the secret of enjoying books turned into movies, focus on what's at hand and don't compare. K, it's hard not to compare, you just can't help but compare and expect eh. As a reader, you unconsciously wanted the book to be adapted from page to page, but it isn't possible, for heaven's sake. That's the problem of others I guess, that's why they get slightly disappointed. But me, the issue whether the movie will stay true to the book, or if which is better is also shut off of my head.

So did I enjoy it? Hell yes. It is so far the best Harry Potter movie that I have seen! It is entertaining to a point that you don't want to be disturbed while watching it. You'll pay much attention to hear their lines and see how they'd react on a certain scene. I'm satisfied, because I saw those scenes that I am so looking forward to see. Although they did cut the exciting ones (the Battle of Hogwarts, Dumbledore's funeral, etc), and although it lacks explanation for the HalfBlood Prince and introduction to the Horcruxes, it never failed to amaze me.

The performances.
Oh gosh, Rupert, he IS amazing! He is such a natural comedian. The timing, also Dan Radcliffe's, is impeccably good! As if he's not Rup and he's really Ron. Haha. K, I warned you, eh? *fangirls* All of them has really improved, acting-wise. I really felt so much for Draco (Tom Felton) in the bathroom scene. And Hermione (Emma Watson) hurting is just so heartbreaking. Lavender? I once said that I might kill her, right? lol But dang! Jessie Cave nailed her performance! I was laughing really heartily inside the cinema. She's awesome. Cormac (Freddie Stroma) indeed deserved to be this week's Hollywood crush, he IS such a hottie I am looking forward of seeing more of him. Rupert is still hotter in my eyes though! Haha The eyelashes, the Ron Weasley trademark grin, the transition of facial expressions, the... K, nuff, April, nuff fangirling. :) The veterans, Alan Rickman, Michael Gambon, Jim Broadbent, Maggie Smith, Helena Bonham-Carter, Hagrid, Molly, Arthur, Tonks, Lupin and the others - AMAZING. Awesome casting. Dan- he's improved a lot and so is Bonnie, I'm glad that she has great long lines now. Ha ha! They're sweet though I must say the relationship between them lacks build up. Ron & Hermione for the win! My ship. Haha so I wont elaborate more or I might iritate whoever might read this for squeeing too much. :D

The effects.
Genius. I personally love the fiery Inferi cave scene w/Harry & Dumbledore. The camera effects/transition is so commendable. Remember the scene where at a tower Lavender's one step up the stairs kissing Ron then the camera swoozed then we're seeing Draco on the Astronomy Tower? What I want to say is that the transition is so jampacked, we see so much events even just with the transition making us pay attention more. The musical scoring, great! I love the effects of silence (when Dumbledore died.) I don't know much about cinematography and filming but i would give the editing 9 out of 10 stars. 9 because I find some flaws, and I ain't telling it. Lol.

Favorite scenes.
* Every scene that has Rupert in it. Lol.
* The Love Potion/ Poison scene. Ron, goodness! A person behind us said, 'Parang bakla amp*ta.' Is that a compliment? Haha. Wickedly amazing.
* Lavender with the R + L thing. Funneh! Lavender for the winnn!
* The Hospital Wing scene. 'I happen to be his... friend.' and the 'Er-My-Nee' croaking. Aww. Please excuse my shipper heart as I squee!
* The Quidditch TryOut/Game. That's when I proved that Rupert's acting is so convincing. He's got a line where he just said 'Yesss!' in triumph and everyone in the cinema is frigging laughing, including me of course!
* Harry upon drinking Felix Felicis. Oh, heck, Dan! I almost fell on my seat, literally with that 'Sir?' punchline.
* Slughorn's class. The only class they attended in the movie. I just love their first meeting & how Ron and Harry raced to get a Potion's book.
* The JokeShop. My my. I love the twins! It's good to see them there & the place is just awesome.
* Snape/Cormac interrogation. Lovely.
* Harry/Draco's bathroom duel.
* The cave scene. Oh tartar sauce! Michael Gambon get the hell of me into tears. The fiery Inferi scene is my favorite.

There, I know there's lacking in the movie, but why focus on it? All I can say is that it's entertaining; it's genius that it's highly recommendable; it's bound to make history; Rupert's amazing lol, and I. LOVED. THE. MOVIE.

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Coping with a Finals Loss

Thought it would be THAT easy to accept losing in Game 7 of the last series of a conference -- I was wrong. It hurts like hell. Seeing them blasting all the things that they could do to come up for a win, it makes me cry just to think of it. Effort kung effort! They tried everything to meet the expectations of the loving fans, and failed to win in the process. There are lots of issues with the bad referree calls and all that, but I won't elaborate on that anymore. I'll leave it to them and to their conscience. *evil grin*
I, for one, have said that I will not cry if they'd lose. But seeing Jayjay and Eric receive the runner-up trophy smiling eased the pain, er, triggered all the tears until it's hard to control and it all fell down. My heart sank. Of all people, THEY WANTED THIS CROWN SO BADLY! Upon losing, they gave a whole-hearted smile, and still tried to cheer thousands of fans up when inside, admit it or not, they're also hurting. What a great display of sportsmanship. And Jayjay, he's playing hurt. That long-time hamstring problem is still with him yet how many points did he get? He tried to in tagalog words, 'buhatin ang buong team' when everyone seemed to be having an offnight. And the efforts of the others, Chico Lanete, Rafi Reavis, Eric Menk, Tubid, to name a few. Lahat naman. Even Sunday. The moment he got ejected from the game, his eyes said it all. Hurt and disappointment. He wanted to help this team up. Sadly, he just can't. What a time for that unfortunate event to happen. Di umaayon ang tadhana eh.

So did they really lose? I'm torn but I must say, they did not. They'll always be the winner in our hearts. They'd gain all the respect more than any team has gotten in the past. They're the BEST team for me, having the crown or not.

I would like to congratulate Coach Siot, Jonas V (Finals MVP) and the Beermen. K, it was a great fight, if we'll disregard some issues that others are putting into it. The 'sister team' thing is pathetic. I condemn those people who's even raising that topic. There is of course, a possibility. But I would like to give the credits to all the players who fight their hearts out and gave their best and did not mind those stuff/rumors.

In the end, it still hurts. But I just want to speak what I am thinking of as of the moment. Geez, I'm feeling a bit better now.
I would also like to grab this opportunity to congratulate our Best Player of the Conference, Fantastic Player of the Conference and the Most Valuable Player of the conference, Jayjay Helterbrand. I know I said before that I would put it on a separate post but I did not have the energy/time to do so.
I love THE FAST!
I love the Brgy Ginebra Kings! For infinity, that is.


Now Playing : The End Where I Begin - The Script

PS: Ron Weasley, please make me happy later as I watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on the big screen. K. Thanks. Bye!

Saturday, 11 July 2009


Meh. I just can't think of a title that's why I chose that. I know it's lame, sorry. :D Anyway, this blog entry is supposed to be a reply post to @pmcis (Been a lot into Twitter lately, eh?) blogpost [You may read it here :] about the newly-opened-for-public-use elevator on the Natividad Hall (our building), but since a lot of things has happened and will happen this month... Here's what I have to say. :)

So yun, nitong Thursday ay officially na ngang binuksan ang paggamit ng elevator sa building namin. Something that I think every Engineering student in our school shall be proud of. Haha. Not being too shabby but the Engineering bldg is the only building in our school that has a 'lift' and man, it's working now!! Note: I'm being a British slang/language enthusiast na naman. Haha. Lift = Elevator (for Americans.)

We tried it the day it was opened, I know that is quite a child-like thing to do, lol, but it was fun and I think you can't help but be excited to try new stuff around. Although I believe elevators are quite common on school buildings now (dun sa mga exclusive at well-known schools with tuition fees ranging from 30-60 thousands. Tama ba? Haha.) Eh given the fact that we're on a State University, and the tuition doesn't even reach a half or 1/4 or even 1/8 part of the others, lol, that's one heck of an improvement, really. Haha.

Also, the Acquaintance Week 2009 has kicked off this Monday and so far, so good. The slaves are nice and lovely. Okay, er, from this day on, I would like to refrain from calling them slaves and call them apprentices instead. I just feel like the real essence of this activity --Acquaintance Week-- is being lost. From the word itself, (Huwow, haha.) Acquaintance, the main goal of this two-week long activity is to develop a strip of bonding and friendship between CE students as part of welcoming the freshies/transferees/shifters and not giving them hatred. As much as possible, we want them to feel at home with the CE family and let's leave it with that.

The AW will last until Friday this week. I hope everyone will do well.. and that my apprentices would always remember those fun-tripping days, and of course, be friends with them. :P

Moving on, this is going to be a tough week ahead. We've got exams on Environmental Engineering, Route Surveying, Fluid Mechanics and Rizal. Oh my god, muntik ng magkasabay-sabay lahat! Haha. Toxic. Wish us luck! XD

Sheesh. I'm looking forward to this weekend where finally --Yeah, finallyyy! After eight long months of freaking waiting-- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince movie's gonna hit the theaters! Yaaaay! I'm so stoked. It's been like forever I wanted to Accio time. :) And Rupert, OMG. That Swine Flu thing got me oh so crazily worried! But he's fine now, has attended the UK and US premiere and has guested on some shows - Err, basically he has recovered. Yey! Loved it. :">
I still haven't seen a single HBP TV Spot on local TV, though. I wish I could get to see one.

Whew. This post has been long enough. So, call it a day now, eh? Heee. Til next time. Nox!

Now Playing: Zero Gravity by David Archuleta

[PS: That song has just debuted on Magic's Top5 at 5 daw. Squeee! Let's vote and request some more!]

x April x

Friday, 12 June 2009

And our Mr. Twitter Universe is...



All the voting has paid off. Haha. It seemed impossible at first, but eventually he prevailed. Heee. XD Congratulations to Tom of Mcfly, Danny Gokey and Tom Felton, too. It was such a great fight. Haha. And of course, to the Phelps' twins, James and Oliver, whom I also love sooo much, and to Matt Lewis, too.


2015 UPDATE:

It’s Thursday today and I felt like reposting a proper throwback blog entry so here it is! Notice my messy writing style, if you could even call it like that haha. I even use “XD” smileys, the heck. I was young and jeje (and foolish at that. But it does look cute way back hahaha). Looking back, though, it’s amusing to see how that has changed and changed for the better, we all have. I still use haha because why not, right? Writing is all about expressing ourselves and I’ve always been giggly and it extends up to my blogs and that, I think, is just fine. Guess some things never really change then. :)

This is initially posted at the now non-existent (but to me was the best blogging platform back in the days) Multiply site and it is so cool of Blogger/Google to have that “Import” option that has made me save all of my previous blogs and have them re-posted whenever I feel like it.

Going back, here’s David Archuleta‘s Archies/Angels (fangirls) ruling all over Twitter back in 2009/2010. The Archies would not be called his go-getters and trending machines for nothing, right? But this was way before Justin Bieber (Beliebers) and One Direction (Directioners) have ever existed in the music scene. Imagine though if this poll was held at present time, David would probably not stand a chance knowing how wild and vast and competitive (especially in social media) those two fandoms are. But it has been nice to be able to show our support in our little ways and actually succeeded back then. I remember Tom and Tom bantering about who’s going to win between them and David has never urged people to actually vote for him but see, he won, and that is just great. Even back then he is so underrated but he deserved the recognition so much.

Admittedly, though, I have not really participated a lot in the trending part and my Twitter account despite having like 70,000+ tweets now (and counting) are mostly because of interacting and actually making real life friends out of these internet people from the family (because in every fandom, we just are), but I did vote for him and requested all of his singles over the radio (with my regular prepaid load because that’s how you do it back then haha. Ah the things you do for love.) to the point that most radio disc jocks of this station actually know you by name (well mostly because I use my name as my Twitter handle and I also use it to request for the songs). Who says you cannot make an honest person / great friends over the web? Meeting these people and actually get to keep them for real has got to be the best part of these fangirl-ing phase. 

Today we may have mellowed a bit (comes with the age, does it?) but we still love good music, still supports David and most especially still there for each other. We may have shared more than one interest or so and the friendship go even beyond. How cool is that, right?

As long as we do not lose track of our own reality (some tends to miss the reality part and that’s when it is not healthy anymore) there’s nothing to be ashamed of; going after what’s making us happy. We are all fangirls at heart after all. Also, we should not deny ourselves of the good stuff (music) in life (surrounding ourselves with people included). x

Friday, 5 June 2009

Before The Summer Ends...

Present Note: My handle is now @AprilDeGuzman


Hi! I've been exploring Twitter lately. Hehe. Did not imagine that I'll be hooked on it. I was like, 'No it (Twitter) doesn't suit me. Because I'm kinda makwento with my posts, 140 characters won't be enough to express my deepest random thoughts and feelings.' Lol But.. BUT.. I'm wrong. It was fun there. Haha. Having only signed up this May25 and I'm already having my 250th post? I surely am 'makwento'. :D To those who might be interested too, you could follow me at
Much appreciated. Thanks! :)

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

REVIEW: Angels & Demons

Last Monday, I was with my Gryffindor friends, lol, minus Freda (Cora) and Luna (Melody) because they're not available that day, and we went to watch the Angels & Demons movie at SM North Edsa.

So here's what I think about the movie:

Actually, I have a high expectation to this movie because the novel was actually my fave Dan Brown book ever. I'm not disappointed, though. Not as brilliant as I expected but it was a good watch. They changed a lot in the plot, like when all the FOUR Cardinals should have died but in the movie, the last one did survive and eventually became the Pope. That's just one, there's a lot of changes that I don't wanna spoil, especially to those who might read it and have not watched it yet, I want it for them to discover it themselves. ;)

The thing that I must say, quite disappointed me was when they cut the part when Mortati told Carlo Ventresca about his past and true identity, that he's the son of the Pope. That's the most dramatic part in the book, for me, but the production staff decided not to include. I am not quite sure why, but I understand. There's this guess inside me that says that they are avoiding the fuss and don't want to mess up with the Catholic Church just like what the Da Vinci Code movie did years ago. Plus, in fact, I think there's no problem with that. People of this generation, I believe, are smart enough to know which is fiction and which is fact, and what is to believe. If you really have faith in God, no matter what you read or watch, your faith in Him will always prevail.

Overall, it's a good movie. Quite gross, though. Lot of blood and killings. Lol but I expected that. They did give enough justice with the story and the characters and I commend them for that. As always, we can't expect the movie adaptation to be 100% true to the book, there are changes but it's for the best.
See for yourself. x


Friday, 15 May 2009

Happy Archie Day, with a hint of DC, and not the end of the world for Danny Gokey.

So I am stuck in the house, May 14, Thursday, I got no choice actually, but there's a lot of things that made me really busy: namely watching TV and listening to the radio. :)

May 14 is certainly an Idol Day (but to me it seemed to be an Archuleta-driven one. Haha.) David Archuleta did guest on two Kapuso shows and it's been a blast! Parang andun ako eh no. Hahaha. Pero naenjoy ko ng sobra kahit sa TV lang. :) He's such a nice and jolly person. Or I think beautiful is the perfect term to describe him. He is beautiful. :)
Parang gusto ko syang mameet tuloy, napapaisip ako.. Nakakastarstruck kaya s'ya talaga? I've never seen our local artists behave like that! Lol Squeeing like fangirls. Haha
I was thinking, what more for tomorrow (today), it'll be David Cook's turn to WOW us on TV. Yesss! Haha. Oh my god.

Back to Archuleta's guesting, it was a lot of fun watching him. He performed ALTNOY in SIS and Crush in Eat Bulaga.
Ohh, and twice in the interviews, he mentioned he loves mangoes! Mapadalan nga ng isang sako! Hahaha. Just kidding!
He would rambled, said "oh my gosh", "oh man", "soo amazing", "so cool", "that was awesome" couple of times, I LOST COUNT! Haha
"He's such a cuuutie!" sabi nga ni Carmina. Haha

So youthful, full of positive energy, and like I said on my previous post, he hates smiling. He really hates smiling. And it's contagious. Hahaha. I could not even recall any moment that he's not flashing that happy face of his. And how I love this statement that he has said during his Magic 89.9 radio interview with DJ Mo Twister, also yesterday, which I think explains it all.

It's not like life's perfect or anything. It's just how you look at it. You can focus on all the hard things and stress yourself out and have a breakdown. Or.. Look at all the good things going on. First of all, I was there. Over 100,000 auditioned. I'm still here and I'm getting to sing. Just look at the bright side, I'm getting to perform and sing. I think that overtook all the bad things going on. When you look at the positive things, it takes the bad things.

Aww. So true! That was really inspirational, wasn't it? During Mo's interview, Mo even insisted to David that he's one of the biggest star coming from Idol and he was like, 'No', and giggled, he just wouldn't believe it, though he really was one, I believe. Humble guy, that one. Koooo! Nainlab ako lalo. Hahaha

They talked about a lot of things : his fanbase, D being a could-be adopted son of the Philippines, (LOL. Mo's such a great interviewer. Entertaining, sensible and he has this ability to make his interviewee feel at ease. Nice!) his locker, fansites, supporters, about D being a role model, his tour in the US and in the UK, musical influences, etc.. And that quote above has stuck up on me. :) (i got the transcription of the interview from Archuphils. Ty! You could also listen to both interviews there as recorded for their site.)

Then, it's David Cook's turn! This was done also live, minutes after Archie, before Cook rushed to his mall tour in SM North Edsa. Wow. He sounded so hot! I am not even seeing him, but I don't know. His voice is.. Wow. Haha
A lot were being discussed: DC's Idol journey, how long he has waited before finally breaking in to the scene, how that twist of fate in the auditions has landed him to the Season 7's crown, his friendship with Archie and their rivalry of sorts (which made both of them laugh, because according to them there is actually no rivalry between them.) how humbling and surreal it was to receive such warm reception from the crowd and a lot more!

There was even a time when Mo allowed two callers to ask question to DC, and one caller was like, "Hi David Cook, I LOVE YOU!" on the phone, and ask David if he has learned any Tagalog word so far. He find it amusing, laugh a bit, and remembered Ramiele during Idol days saying Salamat which means Thank you, and said it like, "Sah-lah-mat." hahahaha cuuute!

But as we all know, we can't be happy all the time. There should be a balance. And it saddened me a lot to learn that Danny Gokey, my bet for Season 8 was voted off. Aw. He's such an amazing performer. Darn! With an awesome voice and overflowing emotions while singing like that, he should have been on top! It should have been Adam who's sent home. Sorry, Danny & Kris are my bets, eh. :) Hmm.. But it has happened. No matter how painful it was, I have to accept it. Oh well, I believe he has a great future ahead of him. He's so talented! And now that Anoop and Danny were gone, Kris is in it to win it! Hope so.

Whew. What an Idol-driven day!
Ohh, I got the idea for the title from Andrea, by the way. Kahati kay Archie. Haha. She was the first to greet me Happy Archie Day yesterday. :) So there.

Bakit ba ang daming kaadikan sa mundo?


Tuesday, 12 May 2009

The Week of DAVIDs Has Officially Started!

Wow, yeah, AI Season 7 fever's on once again! After David Cook (the Big Winner) has set his feet on our soil around 1PM this afternoon, followed by the arrival of David Archuleta (the Runner-Up) at around 3pm, we're on for an exciting week.

"I'm excited to be here.."

That's the short statement coming from Cook when he arrived and I think even though it's short, that statement has said it all. Waaaaah. He's sooo hot, as ever! Haha. He came from the US, whew, looking pretty cool.. I mean, after all that has happened to his personal life (talking about the death of his eldest brother, Adam. R.I.P.) he still manage to be here and was so nice and all that. Cool David! ;) And for security purposes daw kaya medyo ganun, kung ano man yun. Saglit lang s'ya nagstay at di masyado nainterview sa airport.

Then Archie arrived. Yay! This nice guy, can't he even refrain from smiling like that even for a sec?? I'm melting. Lol The youthful, jolly aura that he possesses eversince is present there at the airport, as always. To think that he came all the way from UK (where he had his solo tour, and toured with McFly too.), had their flight delayed in Doha, Qatar -- tiring eh? For sure he had a jet lag, but is it even noticeable? I mean, he's so nice. He really is. ;)

He even checked and updated his Twitter account as soon as he arrived at the hotel. (Adik?) He commented on the reception he has received, the many cameras that was focussed on him there, the fans and their banners, etc. Even thanked the fans for the warm welcome. (If you still haven't followed him, his Twitter is I don't have a Twitter account actually, may pagka, shall we call it, I have this so called stalker instinct, kaya chinecheck ko palagi yung mga Tweet nya. (Huh? Ano yun? Haha. Di lang ako sa kanya ganyan no. Pati sa madami pang iba. Hahaha.) Nakakaaliw basahin eh. Hehe Oh my, this guy will make me go mad. Lol I also checked because of their fast updates. A very nice Archie fan site, really. :)

And so I've gathered this info, the schedule of the Davids for this week (from AP, and other various sites.) and it is as follows:

May 12 - Arrival
May 13 - Meet & Greet with Cook/Archuleta, 5pm, SM Mall of Asia.
May 14 - Archie's SiS Guesting with Kyla, Harry Santos and La Diva; David the Dabarkad - Eat Bulaga Guesting.
May 15 - It's Cook rocking the Broadway Centrum! Eat Bulaga guesting. (Na nanganganib na di ko mapanood dahil manonood ako ng Angels & Demons sa sinehan with my friends. Yay!)
May 15 - two of them live on 24 Oras (If I heard it right this evening on the news.)
May 16 - The Big Concert Night :) MoA Concert Grounds.

Excited daw ako oh, haha. But sadly I could not even go to any of those day's events. :( For the reasons (1) Wala akong makakasama; (2) Ayaw ako ilibre nila PM at Ancis. Haha. (3) Di ako papayagang lumuwas ng ako lang mag-isa.

Layp. Ampeyr. Pero ganun talaga.

Never say die.

Tomorrow is another day.

*drama ko lang yan. Lucky me commercial-inspired. Haha.*

Okay, okay, so sa TVnalang ako magpapakasaya at sa mga updates sa net. :))

Happy Idol Week to everyone! x

Friday, 8 May 2009

High Five!

I know, don't sue me, it's been a while since I posted something solidly all about Ginebra. Ewan, daming naging kaadikan lately. Haha. Minsan, naaalala ko lang may game pala. Minsan naisisingit ko lang sa post ko. I could not even remember the last time that I did post something about them. Shall we call that, lie low. Whatever. So here I am, catching up with those times, and so I decided to write this. Nothing much with the team, really. Kakatapos lang ng game nila tonight against SLR, and they actually won. Nakalimutan ko yung final score. Haha. So unlikely me. Dati eh talagang tanda ko daw lahat eh, mapa-jersey color, kulay ng sapatos at headband ni Jayjay eh, alam ko. Adik?! Haha. Basta ayun, panalo sila kanina. :)

I must admit na isa ako sa mga bitter-bitter-an nung nagpasya ang management na pauwiin si Rod Nealy. I just feel so much for that guy. He's talented, kind and a God-fearing person. Haven't really met him, though. But with what I've heard, he really was a nice guy. Sa isip ko nun, di naman niya kasalanan kung bakit nagsunod-sunod ang talo ng team nung unang round ng eliminations ah? Ginagawa naman nya lahat, eh sadyang malas non, is it his fault? So why ditch him? Hmm.. But then maybe that's what's best for the team. The management thought so, and eventually they were right. So, I accepted it, wala din naman akong magagawa eh.

Here came the man named David Noel, at nagsimula ng mag-iba ang ihip ng hangin. Naks! It's such a long story if I'll elaborate all the facts. All I know now is that the TEAM'S ON A FIVE-GAME WINNING STREAK! Yess! Almost nothing could go wrong. Everyone's contributing, all is stepping up. Offense. Defense. Plays. Crowd. Chants. Isa na lang ang kulang.... ang nag-iisang MARK CAGUIOA.
Kelan nga kaya sya talaga babalik? Ang gugulo ng balita eh, iba-iba sila ng sinasabi.

Back on tonight's ballgame, I learned something new about one of my favorite persons in the world, Jayjay. I always thought before that he got his nickname from his former name, Lamberto Romero Vicente Jr. Wala naman kasing J sa Anthony eh. So palagay ko nun kinuha yun dun sa JUNIOR, sa umpisang letter, kaya JAY. Genius thinking! Napaka-corny ko eh no, gumawa ng sariling teorya. Hahaha. And tonight I found out from the trivia that the nick Jayjay was actually from his initials -- Anthony Jason James Helterbrand. Cool, isn't it? Iche-check ko yan! Hahaha. (Mala-Ryonan. Haha! Loved his spiky hairdo, he reminds me of Ryonan's ace player, Akira Sendoh.)

Yay! I hope that they'd win their remaining elimination games. Hopefully we could watch at the venues before schooling resumes in June. *fingers crossed.*

Never Say Die! x

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Feel Brit. :)

My dad works in Manila and goes home on a weekly basis, and it has become a habit already that every time he goes home, I am asking if he bought me a newspaper. Be it a tabloid or a broadsheet, whatever. Yes, a newspaper! Ang babaw ko eh no, I could have asked for anything, food or other sorts but I satisfy myself with a piece of paper that to others, it might be just a piece of waste to them. I dunno, but once in my life, I have been a writer also, on our schoolpaper, Ang Tanglaw. Been an Editor-in-chief for two consecutive years... so basically, I feel for those writers/journalists that's why I pay attention to read. And hey, I love reading too, and get updated with the current scene! There is this ball of happiness inside us every time we finish writing and/or editing an article. Having your work being published is just, "Wow." Seeing others reading your piece is so heartwarming, praising/criticizing your work is such a bonus one must be thankful of. Constructive or destructive, it doesn't really matter. What's important is that they've paid attention, and gave enough time to read it, and/or give their opinion about it right? Seeing them taking our works for granted is... Sad. Yet it is just okay, because it is the fulfillment that you got while writing your stuff that really matters. Hence, you should be happy already.

Moving on, when my father arrived last weekend, he didn't get me a newspaper, but he gave me this Europe & Britain Travel Guide. Yay! And I was like "Huh? Ano ba yan, aanhin ko yan. Pupunta ba kong Europe?" Haha. But that was only a joke of course. Indeed, I was happy with it. I always wanted to travel and explore other places and I will, given the chance to do so. And Europe is actually one of those places which someday, I would also love to be in. *I hope so!* And as I browse through the pages I am smiling. I am so fascinated by the places especially those that I am familiar with. For example, the Piccadilly Circus, which can be found in London, the place where the filming of one of the scenes in the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 movie took place just last week. Also, this Houses of Parliament building, also in London, that reminded me of the fleeing scene in the Order of the Phoenix movie. Cool! How can I ever forget the Eiffel Tower if it reminds me of one of my favorite persons in the world and that is, Ma'am E Beresford, and her hubby Adam? Prague, Venice, Milan, Barcelona, Rome, Jerusalem, Paris and the like! Lovely, isn't it? Plus the Leaning Tower of Pisa that we've discussed just this last semester in our Geology subject -- the settlement of its foundations. haha, see? I've paid attention on that effing subject! lol And so, yeah, I loved it - reading that travel guide. But of course, isn't it lovely to visit and tour our very own dear country first? (Biglang preno eh, haha.) And yes, the Philippines, no matter how down we are now, I still wanna be here than to be in any other place in the world. Given the chance to travel, why not go to other places? I would love to visit the places I've mentioned above. But in the end, this is my home. I'll be here, I'll return here.. In the Philippines.. my homeland.

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Daredevil Meets Elektra

"Within the darkness, you are the light that shines away.. In this blind justice, I can be that man who saves the day.."
- For You by The Calling (Daredevil OST)

Sa May 6 pa, (tama ba?) but posting this days earlier than the big day won't hurt, right? So... here's my, shall we call this, version of the "laglagan thing" Haha, I mean my tribute to one of my Most Favorite Pairs in the World! Naks! :)

Mahaba-habang kwento kung sisimulan ko pa kung saan at paano nagsimula ang lahat sa dalawang 'to, and I might get some informations wrong, so I'll speak based on how I knew them and on what they were when they're with me.

Random Facts About PM and Ancis :

 Favorite nya si Jennifer Garner. Andami nga nyang magazines na puro may tungkol kay Sidney (Alias).

Mahilig kumain pero mahilig ding magpapayat. Haha I remember nung first year palang, sabay pa kaming umuuwi nun nila Ancis, Shee at Neah, tas pag nagugutom at nagkaayaan eh syempre kain muna... sa Uniwide. Hahaha di pa uso Puregold nun. Pero ngayon sa Puregold na ata sila madalas. Hehe.

Si PM, you just can't help but admire his English speaking ability. Lol He's soo spontaneous. Parang kaning pang araw araw lang, walang hirap sa kanya umingles. Nakakain nga lang nya minsan sa sobrang bilis. Haha Pero mahusay. Tagal na naming nililigawang sumali sya sa Debate Society eh pero apparently, bigo kami nila Roy, Masa at Lilet. :)

Maka-SPURS at maka-Ginebra yang si PM. May balat pang 13. Hmp. Haha at nia-update ako nyan palagi sa latest sa NBA. Hehe. Si Ancis, di masyadong mahilig pero alam ko TNT gusto nya dati. Hehe. :)

SHE shares Cedward with me. Haha We liked RobPat in his HP days more, though.

 Greenminded si... Inamin nya sakin yun dati sa Psychology activity namin. Oy! Nakalimutan ko lang ung exact term na ginamit nya. Hahaha

Parehong mahilig sa pet dogs. BOTH love the Simpsons. BOTH are into US based series. Alias, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Charmed, ano pa ba. Dami nilang pinapanuod eh. Haha

Madaming gadgets. Haha

Galante. (baka naman ilibre nyo pa ko? Haha)

American Idol enthusiasts. Aliw na aliw kami nun ni Ancis kay Archuleta pag binabasa nya yung lips nya habang kumakanta. Yee! Cute! Haha Si PM naman eh pwedeng pwede ng tapusin ang karir ni Simon Cowell. Haha "fantastic"

Tawa ko ng tawa pag sinasabi ni PM yung line ni Ron na "Murder me, Harry." haha

Pasaway pareho pero pag seryosohan ma eh seryoso talaga. Ang tataas nga ng mga grades nila eh. Haha (I got your CC's na.)

Eto, seryoso na..

I value their thoughts, always, when I talk to either of them, 'cause I find it somewhat straightforward and they were only some of those few people whom I think are sensible to talk with.

Para silang si Ron at Hermione pag LQ. Hehe. Aso't pusa kung minsan pero love na love ang isa't isa. They compliment each other that much which makes me think that they're really meant for each other, even this early. A match made in heaven, indeed. Sana magdilang anghel ako. :)

Yes, I mean that! :)

At bago pa magkaiyakan, tatapusin ko na 'tong post na 'to. Haha. At bago pa nila ko i-Avada Kedavra dahil sa mga pinagsasabi ko eh, HAPPY 2ND na! More love-filled years to come! At sana magkaroon din kayo ng Violet Anne at Seraphina Rose in the future. (Ginoogle ko pa yan. Hahaha.) Kinikilig ako. Haha.

God bless you both! x

Love from,

Friday, 17 April 2009


"Somehow everything's
gonna fall right
into place.."

Familiar? Yeah. That's my shoutout on Friendster. :) Apparently that's a song from Paramore's sophomore album of which I came to appreciate more this past few weeks. I can relate to it, especially when it comes to friendship and love of friends.
So what about friends that made this so special? Why am I writing this? Bakit ba ko nagdradrama? Bah, malay ko din. Hehe I just felt like I need to say what I feel. And I will never get tired thanking God and telling the whoooole world of how blessed and thankful I am for having you guys! So pagbigyan nyo na kong magdrama, minsan lang 'to mga dude, birthday ko naman bukas eh. Hehe :*


So, I would like to grab this opportunity to thank all of you who has been dear to me on my seventeen years of existence. Old friends, new ones, all of you!
Should I namedrop? I bet not. You know who you are. Pero di ko rin mapigilan eh, hehe, kaya eto, I'll speak in groups and in general.

Friends are those who'd be there through thick and thin. Payat man daw o mataba. Chos! Corny. Hehe What happened lately, I must admit that, so far was the lowest point in my life. I felt like a big disappointment. Yet you never let me/us down, stayed when I/we needed someone to talk to. Few people knew what happened, the real story about everything, and I think that it would be inappropriate to talk about those things that have happened now that it was almost settled. Almost. I would like you to know that I appreciate everything that you've done. I may not be that vocal about it (but see, I am now.) but college would never be this fun without you. Youre a family. I love you Da Best and Kagandahanz.

Sa mga kaBarangay kong patuloy na nakakapagtiyaga sa aking kakulitan at kaadikan, *sniff* salamat! I think most if not all of my contacts here (and in my other online accounts) are Ginebra fans or basketball enthusiasts. Wicked. Never kong naimagine na magkakaroon ako ng kaibigan mula sa ibat ibang panig ng Pilipinas! Tapos yung iba nameet ko pa sa personal. Galing! Nakakatuwa. Nagawa ko din yung mga di ko inakalang magagawa ko. Mapaumaga, mapagabi, walang humpay. Parang mga kapatid ko na nga yung iba. Wala eh, pare-pareho tayong adik. Haha and WE ALL love this game! :) So thank you for sticking with me. Sana maging close pa tayo at syempre manalo ang team natin!

Music/Band lovers, yesss! Rakenrol. Music is nice but it's nicer when you can share it and your thoughts with others. It's like we're driven to the center by a force we call music. It's fun, and I thank you too for being there. Bands, we love!

Eto, bongga, worldwide. When I am introduced to the world of Harry Potter, never would I have thought that I would be this hooked. God, like we were talking about it, everything. Like when we started talking about it in the morning it would last until afternoon, night, tomorrow, the next day, next next day, next next next, etc. And never would I have ever imagine that I'll get to know some other fans from different lands, countries. They were all nice, too! Thanks to my growing obsession, yet again. Lol Rupert Grint! Hahaha And to his precious fans who are also so nice, thank you for bearing with me and my crazy ideas. I may be far from where you but you can still count on me, I promise. I love you! :*

At sa lahat ng kaadikan ko, pero patuloy parin nyong napapagtyagaan: my obssession to learn different languages, Nihonggo, Korean, French, what else. Mga korean drama, anime, JPOP songs. Si David Archuleta and his songs, na pinag-aagawan namin nila Andrea at Elai. DCook. (12thou lang ticket oh, libre nyo ko. Haha Ancis! PieM!) Hale, Chicosci, Udub, UDD, all the OPM bands except... Uuy, behave. Hahaha right, mare? vin?
Sa mga taong nakakaintindi. :) Sa mga kaSEF na miss ko na, ka PICE, kaDebate Society whom I owe a lot when it comes to the PR.
Most of all, my highschool friends, whom I missed a lot. We may not be as close as before. We may not see each other that much anymore. All I know is that we love and care for each other and all of you will forever be treasured. :)


Tomorrow, I'll be of legal age. I'll be eighteen, a new chapter in my life. But that, I will not dread, 'cause I know that you'll be there, my real friends. And nothing will ever changed that fact. I love you, all!
With that I can sing with all my heart...

"Hallelujah! We'll make it last forever..."


"We'll be there... And then we'll go with you wherever you're going. You said to us once before that there was time to turn back if we wanted to. We've had time, haven't we? We're with you whatever happens.

-- Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, p.651.
