Saturday, 29 September 2012

April Says Hello!

It took me some long time before I finally dug in to the idea (and I was not really enthusiastic about it) that my boyfriend for 7 years is calling it quits. Whyyyyyy? :( Multiply, I did not see it coming.

So much for a dramatic intro. But yeah, it's like having a long time friend that you could easily turn to when things around you is not doing quite well. Someone who need not speak, but in a way, understands you. Who would not complain. Who would just listen. Your company when you wanted to be alone. I have just realised how contradicting that previous sentence was haha. But that's just me, I'm full of contradictions meself.

 This whole blogging thing isn't really a new thing to me since I love writing and sharing stuff, be it about films, music that I love and current events. It was some form of release for me, and it helps, to speak our minds sometimes when we get stressed. Post about our rants and all. A handy journal. A digital diary. What I loved about Multiply... its "privacy" of sort (because I have just a few contacts in there) and peace that it brings me that I am hoping I'd find in here, Blogger, too. I don't write to have it just read, I write to express myself. It is also fun that through writing you get to deal and meet people of the same interests as you.

I was torn between making a Buzznet, a Wordpress or a Blogger and apparently I decided to create the latter because... I don't know haha. It's easier in here, I guess. Peaceful. lols. Google-synched. I'll miss Multiply's music, video and photos tab, though. But moving on...

Welcome to my silly new home! History lessons and reminder to you, my friend though, I write about almost anything, sometimes nonsense, sometimes cool *wink*, sometimes revolting and out of this world. But hey, feel free to visit anytime. ;)

April x