Saturday, 29 September 2012

April Says Hello!

It took me some long time before I finally dug in to the idea (and I was not really enthusiastic about it) that my boyfriend for 7 years is calling it quits. Whyyyyyy? :( Multiply, I did not see it coming.

So much for a dramatic intro. But yeah, it's like having a long time friend that you could easily turn to when things around you is not doing quite well. Someone who need not speak, but in a way, understands you. Who would not complain. Who would just listen. Your company when you wanted to be alone. I have just realised how contradicting that previous sentence was haha. But that's just me, I'm full of contradictions meself.

 This whole blogging thing isn't really a new thing to me since I love writing and sharing stuff, be it about films, music that I love and current events. It was some form of release for me, and it helps, to speak our minds sometimes when we get stressed. Post about our rants and all. A handy journal. A digital diary. What I loved about Multiply... its "privacy" of sort (because I have just a few contacts in there) and peace that it brings me that I am hoping I'd find in here, Blogger, too. I don't write to have it just read, I write to express myself. It is also fun that through writing you get to deal and meet people of the same interests as you.

I was torn between making a Buzznet, a Wordpress or a Blogger and apparently I decided to create the latter because... I don't know haha. It's easier in here, I guess. Peaceful. lols. Google-synched. I'll miss Multiply's music, video and photos tab, though. But moving on...

Welcome to my silly new home! History lessons and reminder to you, my friend though, I write about almost anything, sometimes nonsense, sometimes cool *wink*, sometimes revolting and out of this world. But hey, feel free to visit anytime. ;)

April x


  1. Welcome to blogger! :) Ahehe! Yeah, there a are a lot of great blogsites out there. Hehehe! It's difficult to choose. Haha. Might as well use blogger when you have google. Haha!

    1. Haha yes. Thank you for the very warm welcome :) I need to learn more about customizing though. The links to Twitter, and to yours/other's blogs and all haha. Mine looks pretty basic at the moment. :D

  2. uhmm.. Hi?! lol

  3. Uhhh hey! haha thanks for visiting my new home :)

  4. Hi Miss April!

    I actually started blogging in Blogger because it's so user-friendly. Plus it improved my HTML and CSS skills because users could apply their own layout for their blog. Wordpress, on the other hand, is a really intimidating at first, and I honestly don’t know how to navigate into the whole thing. But once you can used to it, it’s such an awesome home. :)

    Thanks for following my blog, btw. :)

    1. Oh wow. Thanks haha. Yeah, mine's too basic, really. Wordpress seemed... interesting, and it offers more interaction, I have noticed (with the like button and all) but I don't know. After Multiply... I think I'm just keeping this one. ;-)

      No problem. And yeah, feel free to lurk anytime ;-)
