Monday, 8 April 2013

A Trip to Sound City

We were just kids... with nothing to lose and nowhere to call home. But we had these songs. And we have these dreams..

Those were the first few lines from Sound City and I know right then that I will be hooked. 

Ate Pet suggested that I should see this documentary film about music & recording and the fact that I am into any kind of music, it got me so stoked. Heck yeah, it boosted my curiosity even more when I was informed that Dave Grohl was the one who directed it. Please don't throw stones at me, though but I didn't know that he was a part of Nirvana before. Well, I knew Kurt Cobain (and his death) but... hahahaha okay, I may not be a major fan and My Hero might have to be the only Foo song that I know by heart but I do know he's this kick-ass lead singer of The Foo Fighters and that is enough reason for my hype. 

The film is absolutely awesome.

(Note: I'll try to minimize the spoilers, if you still have not seen the film. But not going to promise anything. Heh. Proceed at your own risk.)

Apparently Sound City is this recording studio located in LA, California which opened up a lot of great possibilities and opportunities for a lot of musicians back then, mostly rock 'n roll. The docu-film showed its history, from the humble beginning to the ups and the struggles of the business (especially when the digital era came to life), the bands (to my delight!) and everything that goes with it. Moreover, it has taught me a new perspective about music, and has emphasized some major points of its very existence.

  • "Music is something that isn't really supposed to be perfect. It's all about people relating to each other and doing something that's really from the soul."
  •  "The drums and the feel of a song are like the heartbeat of the song. Backbone, foundation of the song." With Dave originally being a drummer (for Nirvana), it is such a breathe of fresh air seeing him do his thing with class. He's so superb.
  • "The producer... he's the vehicle to get the artists' creativity onto tape in a way that is accessible to your marketplace." I cannot remember who's said this part but this is probably the best that I have ever heard someone to define such word.

  • I thought feel was just this urban word created for fangirls/boys and it surprised me to learn how the musicians defined it: "Feel is just a part of who you are. Feel is just the way the heart beats. Feel is being human. Feel is chemistry. It is not something you learn from a book. It is something that you find as a musician.."

The Beatles/Paul McCartney references, Rage Against The Machine, Whitesnake's Here I Go Again are some of my biased best parts. The Nirvana part is the most rad of all. The making of the soundtrack is so badass every rock and roll lover should not dare to miss it, with Mantra and Cut Me Some Slack as my favourites but I won't elaborate. It is for you to find out.

I can honestly say that this is now my favourite film by far.

Sound City
5 of 5 stars.


  1. Awesome review, April! Wow, I did not know you did not know about Dave and his stint as Nirvana's awesome drummer. You should listen to more Foo stuffs!!! Haha. There goes the Foo promo. BEST OF YOU is my fave Foo song ever, but it used to be 'Walking After You' and 'My Hero.'My fave rock band is the Foos kasi. Haha! You should watch The Skin and Bones DVD concert and the Wembley 2008 Concert. Hehe!

    I love that you loved the docufilm as much as I did! :) I looove that 'feel' part as well! Hehe! I hope I could review the film as good as this one. I have seen a lot of films but have yet to review any of them heh. I hope I could work on reviews the way you can haha. My laziness lol. Soon, mi sound city review. I was inspired by this one. Thank you!

    Cheers to music! :)

    1. Haha shame that I didn't know that, really. Which is mostly the case with those bands (Foo, Coldplay, Audioslave, Arctic Monkeys, etc). I knew a song or a few and that's all I know haha but I appreciate them all. I think I already saw that one that you posted on Facebook. So good! I'm so checking them out.

      PS: I really like how Mantra went.
      PPS: I disagree. You're a better reviewer than I am so please do (I loved your PP review, right?) haha, I guess mine's just got that personal approach rather than the formal/insightful but yeah. Can't wait to read yours too :)

  2. We're the same with Coldplay, Audioslave, and Arctic Monkeys. I know of them and some of their songs. Haha. More of Audioslave because of my kuya lol. I appreciate them too though not necessarily a fan lol.

    I really like Mantra too. Sounded heavy but relaxing haha. Genius! The soundtrack is worth listening to. NPR had a 'first listen' feature but it's not available na. Sayang! Hoping they'd release it here. If not, ahem. DL mode. Haha!

    Haha! I'm going to TRY to review the film lol. Everything will depend on my mood. HAHAHA! I really want to have a review on Sound City and several films. Sooo, I better try and eventually have one.

    1. Right, and there's U2, Oasis, Radiohead.. A lot haha and some I only get to know thru movie soundtracks but still. Recently I learned of this band called The Zombies and I was surprised to know that they're a 60's band lol. I am so digging the record.

      Yes, I do hope that it'd be available haha. I want a physical copy of the soundtrack.

      And I pray you'd get to be on your 'review"-ing mood again ;)

  3. Ohh, I love Oasis! Ahaha! I've been influenced a lot by my kuyas. Haha! Oasis, Blur, REM etc etc--most from the 90s. Haha. Batang 90s kasi hahaha!

    I have a copy of the SC Soundtrack HA! Loved several tracks. :)) Hehe. Won't spoil. I'm still waiting for the release here hehe!

    1. The perks. Yes. Sometimes I wish I have brothers haha but then I don't have so I have to discover them (good bands) myself. Eeeeeehhh I have the osts too, only they're .flac files. So.. I.. converted Mantra and CMSS to mp3. Bad but sorry I can't help it hahaha I can't wait for the release either :) totally buying it
