Thursday, 23 July 2015

Day 7: A Book That Makes You Laugh

I cannot pinpoint reading something that has made me laugh recently but Stephanie Perkins' style usually does the trick. (She wrote the Anna and the French Kiss series.)

She writes so light that you could basically finish reading a novel in one sitting. Her characters are so real and interconnected that you could relate to them at some point.

However, her works are heavy on fluff and young adult stuff that others may find it taxing, as most of her works are basically on with the same (technically) youthful struggles. But, just like what I have said, her works are amusing and enjoyable as well (if you are up for some light reading, that is) and it brings up a couple of thoughts to ponder on as you go on with your reading.

Book excerpts from: Lola and the Happily Ever After, Stephanie Perkins

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