This part of the 30-Day Book Challenge is originally entitled "A Book You Hated" but I refuse to hate a book knowing that despite the disappointment in the outcome of the story, I am pretty sure the author has gone thru hell and back and that he/she has put his/her best effort in writing so there's that. It is not easy to come up with a fictional idea that could actually work and I can only imagine the hardships of an author in the process of getting the book published by a decent publication and the likes.
It's hard to pinpoint a book that I may not have liked or maybe there are just too many of them that I cannot actually choose one? But for the sake of this challenge (that I have been on for quite sometime in the blog), I have to say that my least liked book or series (in recent memory, that is) is K.A. Tucker's Ten Tiny Breaths series.
The first book of the series is actually tolerable (one enjoys fluff to a certain extent, you see) until it came to a point where the story went mad with plotholes and twists that has made me cringe and go like "What the actual heck am I reading?" and just continued for the sake of reading / finishing it so I can cross it off my Goodreads currently-reading shelf. Not being too critical but you know how YA (young-adult genre) books tend to be predictable especially when you have been reading a lot of its kind in a while making it somehow boring ("It's all the same!" vibe) at some point, hence, the problem. Also, the cultural differences and preferences, as subjective as that may be. It is better to not go into details and here's the part where I will tell you to check it out for you to find out. Maybe you will get to appreciate it or even like it, who knows. There are some highlights, to be fair, that I actually liked but it is just not my cup of tea, so sorry for that.
And if you are to judge the book by a quotation / line, here are some:
“Do you think it matters if they're tiny or deep? he asked. Well, if they're not tiny breaths and they're not deep breaths, then they're just ... breaths. Then you're just breathing for the sake of ... breathing... Seize them. Feel them. Love them ...”
“Life has a funny way of creating it's own tests. It throws curve balls that make you do and think and feel things that are in direct conflict with what you had planned and don't allow you to operate in terms of black and white.”
“I believe some people are inherently evil.
I believe guilt is a powerful motivator.
I believe redemption is something you can strive for but never fully achieve.
I believe second chances exist only in dreams, never in reality.
I believe you don't have years, or months, or weeks to impact a person's life.
You have seconds.
Seconds to win them over...and seconds to lose them.”
However, consider yourself warned (of love cliches, sex and all).
For Day 12 (up next) it will be A Book You Love and Hate at the Same Time. Pretty interesting, eh? I hope I'd get to update sooner! (and blog more often. Happy 2016!)
April x
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