Sunday, 29 May 2016

Of Work and Other Perspectives

Not to sound conceited or anything but I know for a fact (and my friends can attest to it) that I am generally a nice person.... but certainly a bitch if provoked. And yesterday I just... kind of snapped. At that moment it felt like everything is too much.

I tried to put myself on this person's shoes. I tried to give this person the benefit of the doubt. In my mind I was singing (though on a different connotation than the song) "Holding my breath until I know you're alright because the water will only rise. When will you realize you must become an island? And see for yourself that that's what I am." Okay, maybe not an island (nor I will ever be) but I always work on improving myself and not fully depend on others. 

Inasmuch as I wanted to help this person, one can only give so many assistance to someone who seemed like they are not interested in helping themselves. Even the nicest person will snap. Being the only one who is willing to adjust on the circumstances can also be sickening.  We cannot be spoon-fed all the time, can we? We are not students anymore. But we should never stop being learners in the bigger school called life. We are professionals and we should act... rather we should be one. At the same time, we need to learn that the world does not revolve around us and we need to be able to adapt (slowly as it may seem) and not expect everything to be handed out so easily. So when are we going to find the courage to go all out and work harder to achieve our goals? The world will not wait for us so we had to do something about it. Read and read. Ask sensible questions. Explore. Speak our minds out.

Does it feel good? At first, maybe. But my heart feels heavy as it went on. I actually felt bad for letting myself lose the chill that I have been working on maintaining for most of my young adult life. I wish I have been more patient and understanding. I wish I have considered all the other factors. But I knew for a fact that if I will not call this person out, no one will. And so I had to do it.

One can only tolerate ignorance and stupity at an extent and anything beyond the invisible boundary line is classified as unnecessary stress that one should get rid of given the chance. I am not saying that you should snap at any person who'd piss you off unintentionally but at some point you had to release it. Luckily for me, I have my family and friends who see behind the strong mask and know when to take charge. They may not always be aware of it (I may not be very vocal about it all the time) but every little deed (the listening heart and the spoken words) is of great help. I am grateful to God for using their lives to anchor me back and put some perspective in this already clouded mind. So they let me talk (rant) about it and then we went to shop and hang a bit. It definitely made me feel better. It may not change the fact that it was the worst that it has been in the almost two months of work but I was reminded to be more patient and understanding. And to focus on the goals instead.

The girl is back, battle-ready, with extra motivation and prayers of peace and clarity in her pockets.


Friday, 27 May 2016

NEW SONG ALERT: Can't Stop The Feeling by Justin Timberlake

After such an eventful week at work, sometimes you just got to put your player on shuffle and lose yourself to some feel good music and unwind since I am not really much of the partying/bar-hopping on a weekend kind of person and this is my kind of party (and I do not have much things to do in our flat, anyway).

I was listening to ZAYN's Like I Would remixes earlier when I came upon this song by Justin Timberlake. It is such a bop (and apparently, worthy to be shared). Justin sure is back with his catchy pop tunes and groovy, infectious dance moves. Maybe it is not my favourite JT song at the moment but it did not fail to put a smile up to this fluffy face, especially seeing the music video.

Happy Friday, everyone! Here's a bit of your daily dose of sunshine.


I got this feeling, inside my bones
It goes electric, wavey when I turn it on
All through my city, all through my home
We're flying up, no ceiling, when we in our zone

I got that sunshine in my pocket
Got that good soul in my feet
I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops, ooh
I can't take my eyes up off it, moving so phenomenally
Room on lock the way we rock it, so don't stop

And under the lights when everything goes
Nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close
When we move, well, you already know
So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine
Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance
Feeling good, good, creeping up on you
So just dance, dance, dance, come on
All those things I should do to you
But you dance, dance, dance
And ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing

I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance, come on

Ooh, it's something magical
It's in the air, it's in my blood, it's rushing on
Don't need no reason, don't need control
I fly so high, no ceiling, when I'm in my zone

Cause I got that sunshine in my pocket
Got that good soul in my feet
I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops, ooh
I can't take my eyes up off it, moving so phenomenally
Room on lock the way we rock it, so don't stop

And under the lights when everything goes
Nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close
When we move, well, you already know
So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine
Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance
Feeling good, good, creeping up on you
So just dance, dance, dance, come on
All those things I should do to you
But you dance, dance, dance
And ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing

I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So keep dancing, come on

I can't stop the, I can't stop the
I can't stop the, I can't stop the
I can't stop the feeling

Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance
(I can't stop the feeling)
Feeling good, good, creeping up on you
So just dance, dance, dance, come on
(I can't stop the feeling)
All those things I should do to you
But you dance, dance, dance
(I can't stop the feeling)
And ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing

Everybody sing
(I can't stop the feeling)
Got this feeling in my body
(I can't stop the feeling)
Got this feeling in my body
(I can't stop the feeling)
Wanna see you move your body
(I can't stop the feeling)
Got this feeling in my body
Break it down
Got this feeling in my body
Can't stop the feeling
Got this feeling in my body, come on


Saturday, 21 May 2016


It seems like every feeling is self-inflicted. Sometimes we feel like we are superior from others and we expect them to see and act based on how we view certain things.... and that's where our frustrations in life usually come from. 

Certain situations in the past few weeks reminded me of two parables from the Bible and the enlightenment is just what I needed.

And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt: "Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. "The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: 'God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.
'I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.' "But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me, the sinner!' "I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted."
- Luke 18:9-14

Another one is from Matthew 20:16. “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” 

I felt guilty as charged. 

For weeks my mind is filled with  "I am better than you." and "I deserve to get more credits than you do." kind of thoughts and I realised how these kind of thinking has been eating me alive. I struggled and found it hard to focus because of a heavy heart and I felt like I am getting less when in reality and on a wiser perspective, I am more than blessed. I have a job that I like and I can now provide better than I would have had back in the days. I am trained to be a professional and a pro, I should always be and so I had to share the inputs and concepts to people who are in need.

I was reminded that every person has a different pace in learning. Some learns quickly while some takes ages. Some needs to be spoon-fed as some tries to find a solution before even complaining. Some has the drive to learn. Some exerts effort. Some needs to be pushed before they get their acts together. We'll never know up until when will these excuses be valid but we should stop comparing ourselves to people and just focus on the tasks at hand. Also, it takes all courage to admit that we are not as perfect and knowledgeable as we probably thought we are. It may be very difficult, I can attest to that. But even the best people has failed countless times and it took them a while to master their craft and we are not to judge.

On the parable, the Pharisee spoke highly of himself while the tax collector conceded. It pays to be humble and all. We needed to learn, sometimes in the hardest way, but we needed to learn our lessons.

I still get disappointed when things do not work out the way I wanted them to be. I still get frustrated. How people act as though the world revolved among only themselves is beyond me. But that is when I came up to a decision and freed myself from the darkest of thoughts and turned to pray to Him. I pray for guidance. I pray for patience and more patience. I pray to be more compassionate towards others. Most of all, I pray for understanding and wisdom.

I am working on it, Lord. Thank You for believing in me.

I pray the same for you.


Help me, Lord as I am constantly working on it.

Friday, 20 May 2016


You would think that with better internet services and technically less stressful job than the previous ones I could actually update the blog more often, but it has been a busy couple of days, hence, the very late birthday post (I turned a quarter of a century last month! If my name isn't a dead giveaway of when my birthday is yet.)

Not that I am complaining, though. Every day spent miles away from home is a heck of an adventure and life just happened and you just, might as well, live it. We learn to prioritize and value our surroundings specifically the people around us more. We learn to keep personal things personal and we realise that we do not need anybody's validation in everything that we do. We are able to filter, not only our Facebook or Twitter feeds, but the people that we are allowing to take part in our lives. We learn to use the internet more cleverly and responsibly (or did we, really?). In a Wallflower's term, as we grow older, we tend to "participate" as we face day-to-day realities and therefore leaving us barely having time to lurk on our social media accounts.

However, these days my reality includes constantly checking the computer (or hand phone for that matter), hoping to catch someone back home (Philippines) online and maybe talk a bit. It may seem like something petty but after a long day, no matter how great it has been, it can also be quite taxing. You may not notice it and the change may not be drastic but the the idea of being far is emotionally exhausting. My little cousins are growing up before my eyes. Two of them even graduated these past few weeks and I missed it. I even missed my very own birthday party that they held back home. One particular moment is whenever I buy half a loaf of bread for myself and could not even consume it until its expiry date when a full loaf usually lasts half a day with all of my cousins at home. It's the simplest of things, I know. The longing continues but life still has to go on. I am the type to find joy in every little thing that I do, anyway.

As if running on auto-pilot (the good kind because I enjoy every bits of it), my day is also composed of tedious nine to ten hours spent in the office, a 20 to 30-minute dance (X Box), sometimes a quick run, binge watching of random Youtube videos and eating(!!!!). I still read books and write/draft random thoughts but most of the time I could not form the words as I would rather be spending time with people or sleeping. Those few days when I get to find the right drive (like today), I write for myself as it is a great way of release, as it usually is.

It is time to de-stress. To tidy up the already messy mind. To keep spreading positive vibes.

There are those days when you just cannot help but take a look back in your life and things will make you realise that life may be far from perfect but you had lived it to its fullest and that you are blessed beyond belief.

Today is one of those days.

At five, I was just that chubby, flawed girl who would use my wit so the older ones will not bully me in school (because I am fat. Still am haha but yeah). What I lack in looks, I made up in personality. What I cannot accomplish physically, I made up academically even when I am two years younger than my batch.

At 10, I lost a proper family as my parents decided to judicially separate. My young mind (though more matured for my age) could not understand it back then but I did not let it ruin me. I became stronger because of it. It also set things into perspective. I continued on and had my teenage (high school) life with flying colors.

At 15, I am off to the university, with high hopes of honing the potential that I believe I possess. I took up BS Civil Engineering because.... I don't know, I felt that it suited me at that time. Being the shy but overtly social butterfly that I am, college was a heck of a ride. I loved the course. I lived it (still living it). Looking back, I did not only learn the engineering concepts but learned that pride, honor and dignity is more important than earning bucks. This part became vital in my general view of the profession and my work ethics in the coming years.

At 20, I failed the board exam. End of the world? Not. But I have learned that no failure can ever define me for as long as I have my family and friends to back me up and they have been the best support group that one can ever have. They give me reasons to still believe in myself and believed in my capacities, I did.

Today, I am twenty freaking five. It sort of just hit me.

At 25, I still haven't found myself.... but I am not lost anymore: I am on my way to be found.
I still am a diamond in the rough but there are still so many opportunities to improve. 
I am bolder. I take risks. I am even more willing to explore and live the life. 
I have made friends for keeps and became the rope that binds us together. I vow to keep them for as long as I live.
I am reminded to be more grateful, always grateful for everything that I have.

Lastly, I have stronger faith than ever. God has been a constant company all throughout and I aim to spread His love in any way that I can.

My sincerest gratitude to everyone who has made me feel loved in any way that is possible: from the personal messages (mostly online as I do not have access on my local mobile phone) to tagged photos with heartfelt (mostly amusing) captions and the almost month-long celebration of sorts with my friends here in Singapore. They made me feel like I am home, albeit a home away from home.

Here's to more years. Cheers.

Friends. Food. Fun. My month-long birthday celebration in pictures.

April x

Friday, 6 May 2016

Until Victory

There have been a lot of black propaganda against me, most recently in the recent months that 
I have withdrawn because of my cancer. 
I have already shown you that I am what I am now. 
I am what I was today, and what I will be tomorrow. 
We are not looking for an ordinary leader, or an ordinary manager or administrator. 
We are looking for the president of the Philippines. 
So, I think that the first qualification should be international stature
That would be a great help to Philippine foreign and domestic policy. 
But most importantly, I repeat, there are three qualifications to become a president: 
academic excellence – 
ako may doctorate ako in juridical science from America. Tsaka valedictorian ako sa lahat ng klase ko. Hindi naman pwede na yung mga naupo sa likod yun ang magiging presidente ng pilipinas.
 Pangalawa, professional excellence
Binigyan ako ng prestigious Magsaysay Award for Government Service, “for bold and moral leadership in cleaning up a corrupt government agency.” Meron ba silang ganun? 
Third, moral excellence
Maliban pa sa dalawang excellences na yon, meron pang moral excellence which is the most important. 

Unfortunately there is no machine that you can attach to a human being so that you can tell whether that person is honest or not. Maaaring bolero lang, maaaring magaan ang bibig, maaaring kung ano anong sinasabi basta kung anong unang dumating sa isapan niya. 

Kaya pag-isipan niyo mabuti itong ginagawa natin. Nagpipili tayo ng ating maging leader sa loob na sunod na anim na taon. Hindi tayo pwede mamili na base lang sa kursunada or dahil uso doon sa mga gang ninyo or sa mga tribes ninyo sa eskwela. 

We are all united in this endeavor to improve and reform the Philippines. 
Akala ng iba palaging ganito na lang tayo? 
Lalabanan natin itong kurapsyon na naging bunga at sanhi ng ating kahirapan. 
We can fight corruption. 
I have shown it in immigration commission. I have not allowed my words to overcome my deeds. 

At for those who think that I should withdraw because I have once been a cancer patient. 
This is what I'll say, I am now normal. 
I can think. I can act. And I can pray. 
Ngayon, gusto niyo akong mag-urong? Biro mo, ang lakas pati sa radyo, ang sagot ko sa kanila: 
I will never quit, I will never stop, I will never withdraw! 
We all want to change the world for the better.
 But the person who prayed should be emulated. 
He said, “God, preserve this country, and begin with me.”
- Miriam Defensor-Santiago, 2016


I don't usually voice out my opinion on politics as it is a very complicated matter and we would all end up debating over so many issues that go with it. That and the bad connotation that politicians in the Philippines actually have (most of them are really like that, though). But I do look up to a few.

I remember voting for Richard Gordon on his bid for the presidency back in 2010. I was the lone believer, at least in our place. He tallied 1 vote all in all from our humble barangay and it was me. He did not win, apparently but the satisfaction of voting for someone who shares the same principles as you do and of whom capabilities are fit for the role of a leader has made my vote not go into waste. 

Fast forward to 2016, I am rooting for another underdog candidate though she is not really an underdog considering all of her credentials (of which she's leading by a mile). She may always be on the bottom of the surveys (with criticisms that are mostly because she's been ill with the big C and might die without having to finish the six-year term) but eff that all. She still is, in my honest opinion, more suitable for the presidency than any of the other candidates. I also admire her exuberance and wit at any given situation. Most of all, I like the fact that she is not only about the change that her presidency would bring, but she is more into encouraging people to start the change from within themselves. Should she not win in this election, it would not be her loss but our country's. If only more people could see that. 

I am for Miriam. Until victory.



Italized opening sentences are the transcript from Sen. Miriam's closing statement at the Luzon leg of the Presidential Debates.


Monday, 2 May 2016

All The Good Things

Walking out and in the clear
Taking in the orange sunrise
Heading that way south of east
Living all my dreams tonight
Riding out into the sunset
Treading this road head up high
Looking way too far ahead and it's all right

Em and I were having a little catching up session over a video call when she asked me, "Are you happy by choice or are you happy because that is how you feel?" This is regarding the new "shift" not only in my career but life as a whole (I am to elaborate on this part today). Happiness is hard to define these days. But I answered that my happiness has something to do  with my nature and personal views on things. When I am with someone, anyone, anywhere despite the circumstances, my initial tendency is to look for anything that makes me happy and focus on it. Everything seemed bearable after that. The "thing" doesn't have to be something big but the hopeful and optimist in me has always managed to rule out every little bad thing and I focus on that little ray of light. Situations are not perfect but that is how my mind usually worked.

So I never really get to share about the life recently, eh? It might have to do something (no, more like it has something to do) with the biggest shift in my life recently.

I am now based in Singapore.

My social media silence (regarding the decision, at least) is because of the following reasons:

  1. It's not like I post about my daily life in the internet, anyway or that my hundreds of Facebook friends would particularly care but I believe these kind of decisions are rather personal. I did try to meet up with a few of my friends to spend time and chill out before I leave the country for good (for now) and of course I had to tell them about it as I look ahead to the years that will be spent away from them: the concerts that I have to miss, the gatherings that I would not be able to participate in the flesh. Pretty hopeful, see. But other than those people, only the family and the closest friends actually knew about the decision.
  2. Nothing about our future in Singapore is certain. We came in Singapore with just enough money on our pockets to be spent for at least two months of job hunting. It was tough as Singapore is also on recession (and the oil and gas industry is down). Should we not able to find our luck then at least we won't have to explain ourselves and just go on with the usual life.

Diving down one whole city deep
Run into your arms wide open
Pulse is racing, I can't sleep
A way of life by chasing moments

The first few weeks are tough. Inasmuch as I am a strong-willed person and how great my support system (family and close friends) is, I realised I don't really take risks. I am okay with my comfort zone. I want to achieve things but I do not know when to take that major leap. I have been asking my friends who's been working overseas, "How did you do it? How would you know when it's time to go and push through with the plan?" and they told me, you'd just know when it's time. The ultimate drive will come. Not exactly helpful, I thought back then. But when I have made my decision, I understood them.

I am in my mid-twenties now (I just turned twenty-five last month) and I felt like my life is heading nowhere. Quarter-life crisis, others may say. I do not have enough savings. I can barely provide for my family when I have been wanting to give them more. I am not progressing as much in my chosen career. I feel lost despite my happy and content bubble and I think about a lot of things. And that is when I  turn to Him for guidance. I went to church almost every other day when my previous job in Manila would allow and I would pray and talk directly to Him. I pray that He'd give me strength to accept all of His plans in His time. I pray for patience, most of all. 

No one ever got the right thing, wrong
Taking all the view from where i stand
You are everything I want to learn and more
This is one of them good things i want to last (oh oh)
Moving ahead is easy

It is the beginning of many things; A baby step to something huge and long-term (to Canada in two to three years, if it is His will). I'd like to think I am emotionally ready and with the go signal of my father and my family, I finally did it. I stepped out of my comfort zone.

Weeks have passed, couple of job interviews down and I still don't have a job offer. I almost lost all hope when we experienced mishap at the immigration in Indonesia. At the hotel I was like, "Lord, if this is really for us then let your will be done. Give me the strength to accept Your plans should we fail in our job hunt." We came back to Singapore, refreshed and more motivated. 

Today, I have been staying in this country for almost two months. My S-Pass (Visit Permit) card has been delivered and it was exactly a month yesterday since I have started with my new job. and the rest as they say is history. 

Take my hand, spread your wings free
Wait no more, just don't ask me why
It's about that time it hurt no one to try
Finally lost my fears of heights

I am grateful for all the help that we've got from our very supportive families and friends in the Philippines and here in Singapore as well. Being with them is like having a home away from home. and the SG stay is fun and bearable so far. I am lucky, more like blessed, to have very kind office colleagues making it easier to somehow adapt with the new job and environment. Dealing with multi-nationals proved to be the toughest part of this new journey but all is well so far.

With the lovely, supportive friends heading to somewhere.
Are we good with all the new things, new things?
I am new to all good things, good things
Loving new and all the new things, new things
Loving new and all the good things, good things

The Jubilee Bridge.

The view from our home away from home.

I like taking pictures of my friends.

Of hassle-free travels.

Went to see papa Merlion. Still got many places to visit and explore but of course. ;)

Casually out at Marina Bay.
Everyday is an opportunity to learn, adapt and explore. Here's to more of life's adventures. And man, am I hyped for the future.


Lines in italic are from the song All The Good Things by Up Dharma Down. This song was on repeat (made me sane) during those dark, job hunting days. Coincidentally, it's written while the band is in Singapore. Check the masterpiece that UDD has penned here
