So Long But Not Goodbye, Alex Marshall
Bands' member lineup change is not really a new thing; it actuallyhappens all the time. Even with the almost perfect lineup of The
Beatles, there was also a point of whether or not to replace Pete Best
(who was then known and admittedly was the most famous among fangirls
of their era, among the other members) as their drummer. Of which they
actually did by the name of Ringo Starr. Some did not like it, some
hated Ringo for it, some stayed and supported until the Beatlemania
came to life and the rest as they say is history.
It is not the first time for The Cab, either. They have been into a
couple of member changes due to different reasons, the pursuit of
other career, be it still on the musical and/or other endeavors.
And then there was Alex T. Marshall.
I did not see it coming. Nor would have I expected that he, of all
people, would depart from the band that I came to love. I would not
have been so surprised if Joey or Dave did. Don't get me wrong,
though, it is not that they were not into the band as much as singer
or Marshall was but there's just a lot that's going on with Joey and
Dave that inasmuch as it is evident how they love to perform, they
have other stuff to divert their energies with. Joey for one, is into
arts, he even has an online shop for his artworks, doesn't he? But
Alexander and Alex? They could never do anything wrong when together.
They were like the original members (although apparently Alex Marshall
filled in around late 2000's. Was it 2008 or 2009?) and they would
never part ways. They are the perfect jam.
Or so I thought.
There has been speculations prior to singer's bomb drop (when he
tweeted about the album tagging Joey and Dave minus Marshall) and
Marshall's parting statement via the band's official Facebook page but
I was not able to put the pieces altogether until the day of the
Manila meetup for the annual The Cab Day celebration, when I came to
the girls and they were all like, "Did you know about Marshall?" "Have
you heard of the news about Marshall?" while in my mind I was
like..."What about Marshall?" I really have no idea and I still don't
want to believe it even after them letting me read the actual
statement that he has posted. What the heck has just happened? For the
first time in weeks, I was speechless.
I blame my social media diet, though not entirely for not being able
to keep track of the happenings within the band. But right then I
realised (1) Singer and Marshall have not exchanged tweets / talked
publicly in the longest while. I cannot even remember if Marsh was
able to greet singer on his birthday when last year they were both
having a blast at the parties; (2) no album update from Marsh when
singer would usually post song lyrics and teasers. (3) as the album/EP
release came near, and The Cab would post video teasers for the
upcoming album. But Marshall is MIA.
Maybe a lot of things has really changed. Different perspectives are
being considered and we all want to embark into something where we
could improve ourselves and pursue whatever that would make us live a
happier and satisfying lives.
I don't know what has made them drift apart, but I do hope that there
would not be any bad blood between the two of them, if there is one.
The friendship, brotherhood that they had is too precious should never
be put into waste. Which in a way has reminded me, in life we may get
to unconsciously hurt people, we may disappoint them, but in the end
we love and understand them beyond anything.
To The Cab, I know how hard you have worked for this day to come: when
the world is finally seeing all your efforts, that the world is
finally getting exposed to your natural talent. And we are going to be
with you, always, along the way. You make every bucks so worth it.
You've been given the power to inspire by doing what you loved the
most (to perform and create good music) and I'm forever thankful that
you are using the power well. I want to give you the warmest of hugs
if you ever (yes you will) get to tour in Manila again. I wish you all
the success.
And to Alex Marshall, it sucks that I wasn't able to experience your
best hugs at the meet and greet *lol* and I am yet to thank you
personally for the good things that you've given me, (inspiration,
love through your passion to your craft) but I'm wishing you well. You
are one gorge and talented guy. I truly believe that whatever future
plans that you have in mind, they will all be successful. You always
have my support. Always. Steadfastly. Endlessly.
With all my love, April