Save The First Time For The Best and Vice Versa
Even with it being a famous destination, it is actually the first time that I was able to go to the city of Pines. My family is just not a family of travel. Not that I would mind, I'm fine with staying in our humble home, but it is also good to get to see the world (the country for the matter) in a while. What's made it more special is that I came with my free-spirited buddies and what a fun blast it was.
It was a short stay, two days and technically a night, so to speak. We stayed in La Union (at Cres' extended family, mother side) and gallivanted around Baguio the first day, and swam the morning away in Tapuakan River in La Union (barely two hours soaked and it is already evident in my arms, how ridiculously funny is that). They say time passes by real fast when you're having fun but in my case, it is the opposite -- time slows down when you are with the best, the people you care about and whose company you enjoy the most.
It is just may be the second time that we had an out-of-town trip together but both adventures did the same magic to me, to us. It felt like a week. All the months of constant longing, of clingy tendencies, of jobs and overtime at work consuming our day... A weekend off is just so worth it.
I won't flood this post with lovely photos for all the photos are in Bygold's boyfriend's Facebook. (Thanks, papa Edieson!)
I'm so ready for the next "first time". Can hardly wait.
Thoughts in mind as of this post:
I am pretty much the type who would catalogue (at least in mind) all of my "first time"s. Alright. First time I came/went to.. ate this.. met blah blah, saw... Big deal. But there are first times that I don't even remember vividly at all. Does that mean they aren't really that special and all? I'd like to stray from the norm and say this: real "first times" are just labels that we must all get over and done with. It isn't the first time that we've been/done this and that, but it's the first time that we've felt this.. and/or that. So the bottomline I guess is that it's all about what we've felt at that certain point.
Those are the "moments" for safe keeping. And it's all going to be for the "first time".
PS: Just because I don't see first time occurences as special as before doesn't mean I'm getting less sentimental than I actually am but I learned in time to understand quite a few things. Actually, I'm past being sentimental and might be bordering on emotional now and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. (Ha ha just kidding.) Tata!
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