The 2013 Happiness Project Round Up!

08:44:00 APRILSKELTER 2 Comments

I blame my lack of time (also known as laziness) for not being able to get a jar as I have mentioned in here for the lack of entries on my happiness project this year. Also, upon reading them I realised how most of the entries are written in the first two quarters of the year. Apparently the new professional home has taken most of my time (or maybe I am just too lazy to write then and sleeping is more inviting. Heh.)

Anyway, instead of the old school round up, I think it is more fitting to post what I have written on those silly little papers in the past year. There are at least 50+ of them so I just chose to share the top five. They are not exactly my favourites but in a way or another, they are special. Some have surprised me, some I could not even remember writing, some are funny and some, tugged strings in my heart. 

Heartfelt dinner with my sister, grandfather and grandmother. 
Those solemn, simple moments hat I miss.
- Jan 1

It is always special to get to have some bonding moments with the family. I think we are even more bonded these days since our aunt has died a year ago. We are closer, the extended family and it is such a good thing.

I dreamed of him, and it is the best of the dreams that I had in weeks.
-  Feb 4-5ish

Reading this made me laugh out hard. I cannot even remember who him was. hahaha but yeah, it's February then. Maybe....maybe... ;-)

"No, all you need is to little your fears and enjoy what you are able to; Change and work towards self happiness. #ibelieveinu" - @joeythunder
-  March 18

"I'm here with open ears and eyes when needed." -@joeythunder
- March 18

I made two different posts for this but they go together. This happened at that moment where I was so down and confused to what lies ahead of me. I was about to make a decision that is to change me, professionally, and this push is exactly what I needed. I have already made a separate blogpost for this but it is so overwhelmingly special that it deserved to be included in this yearender post.

In addition, it's not only Joey that I am thankful but his family (girlfriend included). I may not know them personally and vice versa but they were there to push you to be on your best. I could not be more grateful.

Finally! After so many failed attempts, I was able to do a "sand angel"
(because there is no snow in here)
- March 24

Random. I've been wanting to do that since I was a kid haha. And I was too "into the moment" to even ask them to take a photo of me lying, spread-eagled onto the sand. It was totally fun.

And lastly,

Watched the Gatsby movie with Jofer. Cool to meet
him for the very first time in person.
Also, it is my first time to visit ATC!!
So rad!!
- May 17

This mainly spoke of the transfer to the South (because of work), or the start of it. And I love meeting new people. Well, not exactly new because I have known them for a while but you know, some of them I have not seen in person yet/in a while. And by the way, I have been visiting the Alabang Town Center a lot that there was a point that I go there at least once a week. Why is that? FullyBooked, is why. ;)

Not included in here but also deserve some nods are the three days-two nights stay in Potipot Gateway Resort/Potipot Island, and getting to attend concerts of The Script and Bazooka Rocks 2. And recently, our reunion of sorts with the college buddies. It's been a while.

Here's to new experiences and possibilities and the chance to grow more in all the aspects of life! To the many books to read and music and places to discover! To do good, and to enjoy life!

Happy new year everyone!



Happy Holidays!

10:44:00 APRILSKELTER 1 Comments

Sometimes life overwhelms you and you cannot put them into words, hence the lack of holiday stories on my blog. I'm just too grateful to getting to spend most of the free time with my family, and I am looking forward to the awesome one week off of work (because of the holidays) that is ahead.

Could not be more grateful.

Creepin on playing cousins.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year to all!

This year I chose to spend more bucks for my family and cut the budget for myself lol. I'm not the one for dressing up, anyway. So I resort to comfort. And hey, a cool John Lennon top.



A Week in the Life of a Booknerd

04:47:00 APRILSKELTER 0 Comments

I have been on a reading spree (having finished 7 books in a matter of two weeks) you would not even know I was pretty occupied by my work. I was busy in all sense of the word but... I don't know. Maybe sometimes you feel like doing something that makes you feel good and you just do it. It transports you into a different world; it opens your mind into a lot of different concepts and things. It is addicting and it will make you forget. You could never blame me.

So these are the books that has occupied my in-between and afterhours of work (in a particular order of when I have finished reading). This is my attempt to try to collect my thoughts and post "short" reviews, also to update my blog with new stuff of which I have not really done in the longest while:

1) Divergent by Veronica Roth
2) Insurgent by Veronica Roth
3) Allegiant by Veronica Roth

A fast-paced series that has caught my interest maybe too much that I even have finished it way too fast, faster than my friend who has introduced me to it. I said yes so that we could watch the film adaptation next year together. It has the ingredients of a good read: characters with cool names to love and/or hate, an interesting plot, perils and conflicting ideas. I'd like to think the series is doing well until it has reached the last few chapters of Allegiant, where...this thing has happened. Maybe because I was not expecting that it would happen. That it could actually happen. Or maybe I have been expecting more, that it could have ended the other way. Or maybe Roth has put a lot of emotions and expectations on the second book that could not be surpassed (which is my favourite of the three, by the way) that after reading the last one I ended up questioning myself if the third book is even necessary. Or maybe that is how dystopian stories work, and it has just begged to differ from the others hence the twist... I love happy endings but now I don't know anymore.

Every book has its dainty part, then there are the lows. It also has the tendency to be repetitive, violence that would make you cringe and then there are parts that will make you nod your head in agreement.

Finishing this, though, I have realised something. Harry Potter has the Houses. Hunger Games has Districts. Divergent, factions. And why is that? Because we all want to feel that we belong. We want to be assured that we are not alone and we could be grouped by whatever traits or qualities that the majority of us have. In the same way that every individual (as the word itself would imply) is also different and we can't be just that one thing, we are a mix of all things (hence a Divergent).

Right now I am still in the middle of being impressed and disappointed and Abby has told me reread it after a few months and maybe I will. And then we'll see if my feelings about this book, or series, will change.

"We should try not to see those differences because they will only divide us."

"Everyone has some evil inside them, and the first step to loving
anyone is to recognize the same evil in ourselves, so we're able to
forgive them."

4) Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A. Tucker
5) One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker
6) Four Seconds to Lose by K.A. Tucker

It is a series of interconnected stories of the different characters, but I have this notion that each could go as a stand alone. YA genre, with lots of kissing, lovemaking (especially the third one. It's just too, I mean information. Ughh..) and fluff. I may have enjoyed the fluff but there are things that...I don't know, still bothers me even though I know that it is a part of our lives, of the grown up life. Hahahaha. It has surprised me that I have actually went to finish the series knowing how... anyway, it has been a fast read, and we should finish what we have started so.... Of the three I'd say Ten Tiny Breaths is the best because of how the story is put together and the plot and the ending has been justified.

8) The Beatles (a biography slash very awesome book about the Fab Four)

Don't even get me started with this one. It has just made me love The Beatles even more if that is even possible. I may not be the kind of fan who knows all of their songs (in fact, I haven't heard them all and still waiting for my copy of all their songs from my best friend) but I'm the kind of person who's heart swells with joy when being exposed to a lot of fun and enthralling facts. I'd like to say that because of this book, it has  ade me appreciate them not only as musicians but as imperfect, talented individuals who's made a couple of good and bad decisions in life and has made their impact not only in the music industry but in the lives of the people.

7) Finding Cinderella by Colleen Hoover
This is a spinoff that could be a stand alone novel from the Hopeless series of Colleen Hoover. It okay book; a short (300+ pages!), light read that one could finish in one sitting.

I'm an old-fashioned person when it comes to love and although I know how liberated people from different places can be, it still surprises me of how straightforward they could be and how losing your virginity to anyone (because I believe in purity before marriage. IKR? Crazy.) is not much a big deal to them. But then I'd like to believe I am open minded enough to understand why those has to be included and I'm talking about the majority of the YA stuff in general. R-e-s-p-e-c-t, I guess.

Next in line are books from Chris Colfer and A.S. King. And maybe I'd get a hand on Battle Royale and Warm Bodies again and a couple of Murakami's and get to finish them. ;)

Ohhhh by the way, merry Christmas! See I have been too busy to even put up a "wishlist" blog. But I am ever glad to have received one of the things that I have included in our Monito/Monita activity in the office: a Mockingjay pin.

This is the happy booknerd life. ;)



TRAVEL: A Gateway to Heaven

05:52:00 APRILSKELTER 4 Comments

We all need a break from all the hassles of the city life and stress at work in a while.

So when Jov has planned a Thanksgiving out-of-town vacation as early as mid-2013, I am good to go. Better grab the opportunity to try new stuff and travel given the chance, right? It is rather sad, though that Lyn and the other person (we are originally four) were not able to come with us but it did not stop us from enjoying the piece of heaven the long Thanksgiving weekend has offered.

The Place
Potipot Gateway Resort is located in Candelaria, Zambales which is about 5-6 hour bus ride from Manila. Apparently the trip is well-planned travel-wise because we have just commuted on a bus and much to our delight, went without the ruckus of traffic because we left the city on a Thursday and is scheduled to head home on a Saturday (which is actually a local holiday). There are a lot of fun activities that you will definitely enjoy from the adventurous to sporty to couch potatoes (like us).

The Food
Totally awesome. I pretty much enjoyed our French toast breakfast overlooking the natural beauty of the sea and the island (which we have stayed for a day and what a laidback day, that is) and the must-try Potipot Special which is a mix of veggies and seafood that is mouth-watering and just really good. There may or may not be an inside joke with the sinigang, though. But our stomachs are never deprived of the goodness of the meals that they have served on our stay.

The People
There is a notion that people from the province are generally nice and the people of Zambales are no exemption. We lived to tell the tale. They are not to take advantage of the tourists and we even got discounts and freebies on some stuff. Every crew is smiling genuinely at you every time you bumped with them and it makes you feel at home.

The Stay
Very relaxing. I have never experienced such peace and comfort in the longest while, physically and mentally. We are pampered from the bus ride to the hotel accommodation up to the island – the vacation has recharged me on so many levels it is so worth it.

And of course, we have captured moments through photographs. Who could not resist the beauty and perfection that is in God’s creations, anyway?


Potipot Island and Gateway Resort is 5 of 5 for me. For less than 5000 bucks a serene, fun and memorable vacation is up for grabs. I would gladly come back, given the chance.

“..We’ll live while we’re young and we’ll do it ‘cause we’re wild and free..” – A Rocket to the Moon

 Credits to my friend and island buddy,
 Jovelyn Lao for the many photos. I may or
 may not be suffering from a Darren Criss
withdrawal after the getaway, of which, 
I don’t mind of course. I am forever thankful.


(Still A) Sweet November

07:23:00 APRILSKELTER 0 Comments

I was looking forward to this month because with the many concerts and trips and convention and work-related stuff that is ahead....November promises a lot of things.

But nobody can foresee a disaster except the One that is above. And we don't know about His plans.

Due to the many re-scheduling and availability problems, the One Republic date with the friends did not push through. Then because of the super typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), the Matchbox 20 concert of which my best friend has initially bought me a ticket has been cancelled. But that is the least of the things that would worry me for the disastrous typhoon has left millions of people homeless, thousands of casualties. The whole place (Tacloban City, Leyte being one of the most destroyed places) was a mess it felt like it is being eradicated from the map. For the first time in years I don't feel like watching the news anymore because it is so heartbreaking seeing our fellow Filipinos suffering like that. For the first time in the longest while that complaining for anything seemed so wrong.

How do we move on after this catastrophic event?

Help has been offered and sent from all over the world and it warms my heart to see the extent of how people actually wanted to help, from the volunteering to the repacking of goods and organizing donation drives and stuff. Although it bothers me a bit when people post stuff like when they are donating like money is something to be bragged about but it doesn't matter, any kind of help is still help to those who are badly in need.

A rainbow is spotted this week in Tacloban and it felt like a sign. A good sign. It may take a long. while but recovery is not impossible.

I am glad the company where I was employed decided to cancel this year's company-wide and department-wide Christmas party celebration and decided to donate the alloted budget to the ones in need instead.

As for me, November isn't over yet and there's the Kerygma Conference and the Potipot island trip that I can look forward to. As for my share in helping, I have donated too, see, but I don't think I should elaborate on that anymore.

I encourage everyone to help in any way that you can, in small or big heaps, it doesn't really matter. Show the love and give to those in need.

For inquiries regarding volunteering schedules, you may contact the following:

GMA Kapuso Foundation - 981-1950
ABS-CBN - 411-4995

And check the Philippine National Red Cross site in here -

We're going to get through with all of this...together. God bless the Philippines! X


BOOK REVIEW (Kind Of.): The House of Hades

19:43:00 APRILSKELTER 0 Comments

I have finished reading The House of Hades after some four days (I know, it took me quite a long time because I only get to read it during breaks and before I sleep at night) and I felt the urge to blog everything but I am afraid that it will be such a spoiler to everyone. 

I'm glad my friend Abby has reacted to my comment to her Goodreads rating for the said book, this was before I even get to start (She has finished it early on) and I could not agree more to everything that she has said, without having to spoil a lot. (Kudos, Abby!)

 Let the countdown to the last book begin. =)


OneRepublic LIVE in Manila #OneRepublicMNL

20:53:00 APRILSKELTER 0 Comments

It's been a long time coming since I've seen your face
I've been everywhere and back trying to replace
Everything that I had 'til my feet went numb
Praying like a fool that's been on the run...

I could listen to the same old song all day and feel good about it. Seeing and cuddling with my cats after a week of work makes my heart swell with joy. Eating ice cream after a very long day. Having random encounters with friends you have not seen for a long time, no matter how short it was. Getting your milk teas and donuts without having to queue for hours. When you get a smile and a "hello" from your crush. The list could go on and on and it all comes down to this fact: I find joy in little things. And my friends could attest to that. 

Which is also probably one of the reasons why as much of a concert-goer that I am, I don't mind getting the farthest seat even when I can afford (savings!) the higher-priced tickets (heh.) just to be with my friends (Ever heard of #TeamGenAd? Well, hey, it is not so bad.) I just want to live in the moment and be there as it unfolds. I just want to sing along with the songs that has helped me through most of my days, in various points of my life. I just want to experience it as it happens and catalog it in my mind and my heart all throughout my Earth-ly existence. Try new things (I found out recently that concert mosh pits are fun!) every once in a while (like joining contests, like this one.)

And then I heard OneRepublic is coming for a show.

Who can say NO to Ryan Tedder, really? I feel like the gates of heaven has opened up and is now giving me a chance. Admittedly, I am not their biggest fan. I even knew someone who knows Tedder and still listen to Tedder's old EPs way before OneRepublic, the band, even existed up to now! (she's totes cool and there is no way I could beat that!)  But I have heard more than enough of their music to say that they are talented and awesome especially during live performances.

TOP 5 songs? Hard. Let me tell you a story. More like history.

It has started with (5) All The Right Moves and of course, (4) Apologize (the trademark song. Being covered a lot, yeah?). But it was (3? Kind of.) Come Home that has made me fall in love with their music. It is that collaboration with Sara Bareilles, with lines that goes "Right now there's a war between the vanities / But all I see is you and me / The fight for you is all I’ve ever known.. / Everything I can’t be is everything you should be / And that’s why I need you here.." so heartfelt you just cannot help but admire. Plus they both sounded so well you just cannot help but listen to them over and over. 

There is no way that they would sing this in Manila, I know, but just the thought that they will be visiting in Manila soon....We Filipinos are so musically-inclined and appreciative that for them it would feel like they are coming home. They would feel at home that they would want to come back. I just hope I do not have to wait for them to come back because I will get to see them that first time next month. *winks* Plus there still (3) Can't Stop (the sexy runs, the voice, the feels. Stop.), (2) If I Lose Myself (hashtag forever in love) and (1) Feel Again (seriously? If the multiple blog references is not much of a proof then I don't know anymore) from their latest offering, Native to look forward to.

Crossing fingers into that.

I'm feeling better ever since you know me
I was a lonely soul but that's the old me
A little wiser now from what you've shown me
Yeah....I feel again.

Song lyrics credit from: Well if it is not apparent enough, Feel Again, by OneRepublic. ;-)



23:40:00 APRILSKELTER 0 Comments


Meeting RadioDriveBy

17:08:00 APRILSKELTER 2 Comments

"What's RadioDriveBy, anyway? They don't even have a Wiki page."

I don't even know what to expect. Admittedly, I have never heard of half of the BRF bands line up and because of real-life commitments (also read as: day job) I was not able to check them all until a few days before the show itself.

Thanks to Caren's constant bugging and showing of adoration of the band that I decided to check them out. And heck yes, I liked them.

In the age of auto-tuned and electronic-driven kind of music, what's heightened up my curiosity is to discover whether they are one of "those" bands. Turned out, they were not. They were even more.


Bazooka Rocks 2013: The Fangirl Edition

17:08:00 APRILSKELTER 3 Comments

I usually do realtime blogs but the thing with this one is that there are just so much to share about the whole BRF experience that I do not know how and where to start, what to include and what's not. So I decided to put up three. This is the second of those three with the first being, let's just say, the polished one; The brief (although quite long) summary of events that has taken place on the day/night of the fest itself. The third one to be solely dedicated to one of the bands that has performed. You'll figure that one out later on.

In here, I'd tackle the side stories, the fun banters..the crazy experiences on and before the show, the meet and greet activities and stuff, and the aftermath in a sort of a Top 10 Bazooka Rocks memories (this is quite hard to do, to be honest). May I also remind you that this is a lonnnnnnnnng post (so welcome the blogger in me back).


Of Flying Skulls, Mosh Pits and Brassiere Drop: Bazooka Rock-ed 2013

16:36:00 APRILSKELTER 4 Comments

Pulp Live World's Bazooka Rocks 2013 might have to be one, if not the best gigs that I have ever attended this year. It is this fifteen hours of pure rock and roll madness which has showcased some of the best bands that is out there in the past few years. I knew my hearing is going to suffer for days but it is all worth it.



08:03:00 APRILSKELTER 0 Comments

No, this is not a movie review.
But let me tell you a story. Random, sweet(?), funny story.


When You Don't Need Facebook To Be "Like"-d

19:19:00 APRILSKELTER 0 Comments

We are in the 'Google' age now after all. I may also have my fair share of everyday rants in Facebook and in Twitter and we always have that excuse...To hell with my friends and followers, this is my profile and I'm going to do/post whatever I want. And of course, like everything else in the world, there has to be limitations.


Further Realisations (At Work)

10:37:00 APRILSKELTER 0 Comments

No matter how much you love what you are doing (be it your job or a hobby or things that consumes most of your time), if you do not enjoy the company of the people surrounding you and it makes your environment a living hell then all your effort , hardships and sacrifices will not make any sense. Staying would be hard. Everything would not seem to be worth it. Growing intellectually and professionally may go on an all time low, if not impossible.

Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are human (unless you are not). We need to communicate with other being. They did not come into life for nothing. By need it doesn't mean to depend. Everything has to be in balance.
We always have that knack to feel appreciated. It may not always be a good thing but it is by validation that we feel good about ourselves. Admit it or not, it is one of what drives us to go beyond greatness. Maybe that is where this "no matter how many No, you would only need a Yes to proceed with your plans" kind of thinking was derived. It is not bad, but we should know better than try to please our superiors, or anyone. We just have to always give it our best.
We need to be scolded for our wrongdoings to remind us that we are not perfect or nowhere near it. These kind of situations are exactly what we need to keep us grounded. What if it is too much? Should we quit? Should we fight back? We should not and we should not. We should be able to stand our ground with respect. We must be the first to understand. We should not hold grudges and judge people easily because it is not righteous to do so. We should always be willing to see everything through brand new eyes.
Being a professional does not necessarily require a license. It is your attitude and passion towards your crap, er, craft that counts.
Disclaimer: I may or may not have experienced the situations stated above; just some observations in my early years of being employed (and lol it was not that lot, really. Just about a year and a half, but still.)


What This Night Brings

01:46:00 APRILSKELTER 0 Comments

How does it feel to finally be able to see one of your favourite acts for the first time? Sweet. It was actually flukey but I guess the odds are finally in my favor this time.


The Basketball Life and the Life

17:03:00 APRILSKELTER 2 Comments

A very timely basketball-related post, I think. I haven't done one in a while.
Disclaimer: Long post. There. I said it.
I'm not going to lie, Slam Dunk has started "it" for me. I am well aware, though, that the sport is huge in my family. (Heck, if that poster of Robert Jaworski back in the wall of our old house where I grew up is not much of a proof then I am at a lost) And every Filipino family, I believe. (Though of course, it varies on the level of interest.) We just love basketball. Football maybe slowly becoming a household name these days but with the easy access of resources, and because courts are practically everywhere, it still is basketball (for me). And who could resist an anime show featuring one interesting sport, right?
Flashback: My aunts love Vince Hizon back then so I grew up liking The Prince. He's really good but at some point, a kid is a kid and basketball is no biggies. It just doesn't make any sense to me then. I even get pissed whenever they would watch basketball on TV and I want my cartoons (I miss those times when they still show cartoons at night. Do you still remember? And sleeping at 8pm is already sleeping late. Heh.) It wasn't until I was on high school that I felt like, I want someone whom I can call mine. Nooooo it's not what you think. What I mean to say is that I want to find a baller whom I would admire not because of others' influences but because I think he's the best.
Then came the day when I saw this guy (on TV) and he runs so fast, he handles the ball well (man, he's a pointguard), he drives, spectacular drives. The way he passes the ball.. (it's called assist, and I don't even know that before lol). I can only see his rear side whenever he runs and stupidly, I could not read what it says. I watched a little closer and found out his perfectly toned muscles and the looks aren't even bad. He's dashing, even. Later that night, I learned his name and it was..
Jayjay Helterbrand.
That's when I have made up my mind... I love this game.
The fangirl is born.
I started to learn the game. The rules. Every single thing about it because I'm not into spending time about something that I don't really understand. Which is one of the reasons why I don't really get hooked with kPop (or maybe I'm just to lazy to pay that much of an attention to it). (Not to the point of greatness but) I even played the game.
Also, since Ginebra is a local club, I get the chance to go to their practices and even watch the ballgames live.
As a teen, we all went into a series of certain addiction, be it some flings/relationship, the untouchables (music/arts); to a certain fandom. No matter what it is, It has helped shape us to be who we are now. Basketball (sports) is one. Music is another. And books and movies too, too. (which gives me another blog post idea! Hah!). And we never really lose that interest while growing up. We just learn to sort out our priorities and focus on life more.
So having educated of the game, I learned that being the pointguard is one, if not the most difficult position inside the court. Not only are you expected to always deliver long range shots and provide a good screen or a drive, you must also orchestrate a play and pass and hold the ball real well. They are even coined as the extension of the coach on the court. I am pretty amazed. It may also be apparent how most of my favourites are actually pointguards.
Jayjay is one. And even then, I knew Jayjay is "the one". Even more so today that he is a changed man. ( A party animal no more, he's now a man of faith in Christ), all for the best.
As for the NBA, I have been a San Antonio Spurs fan ever since I laid my eyes on Tony Parker, also a pointguard. But seriously, it's not just about the beautiful face, but what's made me like him is his and Tim Duncan's powerful team up. Loved the two of them together. And they actually are very effective together. The Spurs maybe a boring team to some because of the way the team play -- they are pretty low-profiled (despite having superstars) and conventional but you see, that to me is what makes them the best team that is out there. And mind you, they may not create much buzz but they are constantly on the top of the teams' list, at least on the West, in the past few years.
Ginebra and Jayjay taught me to never say die and to give it your all, always. To value the love and support that you are getting from the people around you. To trust God and let Him orchestrate His best plays, on the court and in your life.
The Spurs made me realize that a team doesn't need to have superstars to score 50 plus points a game nor do trash talking with the opponents on and off the court; a team doesn't need to be flashy. They just have to go out there and play well. Played darn well, they did. And they taught me to stay humble and fight the battle, with class and respect.
A few years back, they both made it to the Finals and bagged the championship on the same year/conference on their respective leagues. I know, right? There's just too much feels when both your favourite teams are in it to win it and actually have won it.
And even though they both share the same fate on their respective Finals series this year (with the Spurs bowing to the Heat on a heart-pounding Game 7 and Ginebra, well, being swept by the Aces, a heartbreaking 4-0), nothing's ever going to change -- I love the game, and I'll continue to support these two.
Through and through.

ⓒ Photo credits to whoever owns it. I just cannot help but admire its beauty and of how it has captured these priceless moments of two of my favourite tandems in their respective leagues. I own nothing but the grid edit, and my words.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld


A Dream

10:04:00 APRILSKELTER 3 Comments

Everything about yesterday is a dream.

It's been a dream that's too good and early to be true at work (I can't elaborate but) I feel blessed and I can't help but dread and be excited for the things that is ahead at the same time. I just wish I'd be able to perform well and get the job real done and on time. And I definitely can't do it alone so I'm glad they were always there to support. I would really appreciate it if you could continue to include me in your prayers. Thank you.

Because I wanted to unwind and relax before I give my full concentration to the project, I went to the Alabang Town Center yesterday even though the Dementors are everywhere (read as: dark clouds). The presence of books everywhere is just so soothing and to me, that is the best feeling and the best place one could ever be in the world. I went into two shops and enjoyed the latter shop even more. The smell of fresh paint, of gypsum boards... the presence of so many books... Makes me want to live there!!! Though of course that isn't possible. But I could come back anytime, whenever the schedule would fit, and yes I will.

Then there's this conversation that felt like a dream (this time, referring to our mind activity while physically sleeping). All I know is that my nature is to care and to love and it has not changed a bit. Actually, it has changed for the urge to care and love is now even stronger than before. The One from up above loves me more than I could ever imagine, so I am more than willing to give that love to everyone who needs it. Even to those who doesn't intend to get that kind of attention from me.

And lastly, my dream last night was priceless! Maybe because of constantly having this band conversation and from the recent friendly activity that I had, I dreamt that one of my favourite bands is coming back to town and I was able to hang with the guys. Crazy, I know! Some dreams I can't even remember but it is the most fun that I had in weeks. The dream started from heavy rainfall (maybe because it was raining that night) and usually according to dream interpretation (do you believe in these things? Sometimes it makes sense, I don't know. I think I do.) rain and storm means something's bothering you, a problem arising and stuff (See, it fits, since I'm actually worried about something) and I waited for the band to come and they did. It was crazy and it felt real. It was a long dream but it wasn't taxing. I woke up with a huge smile.

Today, the Man of Steel movie is out on theatres and I want to see it but staying at home and blogging and watching Game 3 of the NBA Finals (hashtag Go Spurs Go) is more tempting and I want to get as much rest as I can have. So much for having the calm before the storm. But the day is still long, who knows.

Remember the days when it is just a life-long dream to be free of all the countries that has tried to colonize us? And (although we've never really been free for all we know) that's what today is all about. Happy 115th day of Independence to my fellow Filipinos!

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18:15:00 APRILSKELTER 4 Comments

This note may have been circulating on the web for quite some time now but it is my first time to try this and it was fun getting those silly but somehow sensible(?) answers.
If you still haven't tried this or if you wish to have a good laugh from the so-not-related results, go on and be entertained.

Ze mechanics:
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle (for this one I used my beloved Kellan, the phone)
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag people (skipping this one, for a change)
5. Everyone tagged has to do the same thing and tag the person who tagged him/her back. (And this one as well)
6. Have FUN!

Better With You - Kris Allen (hahahaha!!!)

Morningside - Sara Bareilles (Creepy. How'd you know I'm a morning person?)

Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson (Now this is scary hahaha)
Rearview - MWK (The buh? Nice.)

Some Nights - Fun. (Right. Pretty exciting night.)

The Truth - David Cook

Miss Missing You - Fall Out Boy ("Don't panic.. No, not yet.. Now you're gone but I'll be okay.."

Fairweather Friend - MWK

Nothing Ever Hurt Like You - James Morrison (I'm that pain in the arse? Hahaha)
Starting Now - Ingrid Michaelson (New beginnings.)

WHAT IS 2 + 2?
Why Am I The One? - Fun. (Right. Answer that yourself hahaha)

Viva Forever - Spice Girls (Oh wow)

If I Lose Myself - OneRepublic (Very fitting.)

Impossible - Kelly Clarkson (Ah yes, I am.)

Touch The Sky - Franco

I Love You More Today Than Yesterday - Stevie Wonder (Hihihihihih so sweet)

Can't Go Wrong - Phillip Phillips (Legit. Exactly.)

She Keeps Me Warm - Urbandub (Rad!!!! But well yes, i prefer this kind of music to be played instead of the usuals haha)

The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy (if this is the phoenix lamenting/singing then yes)

Fall Apart - Every Avenue (Why, this note knows me so well)

Sugar, We're Goin' Down - Fall Out Boy (FOB again? Hahaha Kellan, why you so biased?)

Greatest Story Ever Told - Oliver James (Too sweet.)

Oo - Up Dharma Down (WHAT? Hahaha)
Guillotine - Urbandub ("All hope is gone..." Hahaha)

Living Louder - The Cab ("My only regret is having regrets.")

Love On The Rocks - Sara Bareilles ("You plus me is bad news." And this is funny?)

Castaway - Franco (oh...)

Without The Love - Demi Lovato ("And you work so hard to get me just to let me go" hahaha of course, not without the love)

Keeping the Blade - Coheed and Cambria

Hurricanes - The Script (Does this mean they're everywhere? haha)

One Sweet Love - Sara Bareilles (Wink wink.)

Room For Two - MWK (Interesting.)

When Broken is Easily Fixed - Silverstein (hahahahaha probably referring to your eyeglasses, mate)

Butterfly - Jason Mraz
Note: Andrea once told me that the songs of which you listen to the most have the greatest probability to be played when you put the player on shuffle mode, which is mostly the case. I'm actually suprised there wasn't a David Archuleta song in here so.. I kind of doubt that now. ☺

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17:09:00 APRILSKELTER 0 Comments

Why would one dare to be different?

Is it because only when you're coined as different that you would feel special?

That with the very idea of the word, you can start to try to convince yourself that they care about you? Sometimes, it can get you to believing that they love you for being a worldly gem?

Because it is when you're different that the people around you notices you?

Because you are fragile inside and are afraid to be forgotten, you're scared to be plain and unremarkable because there is no extravagance to carry your name with?

Because it makes you feel superior in the commoners' prying eyes?

Hasn't it occur that everyone wants the same dang thing?

And after all, when it has gone too much, can anyone tell?

The harder you try to be, the more ordinary you would actually be.

How much would it suck to realise that after all this time...

You want to be everybody else?

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The Aprils and Thunderstorms in June

00:18:00 APRILSKELTER 6 Comments

It may be late for the real thing (the official Cab Day/JT Instagram art swap challenge) and late for our planned meet up day (May 28th) but I'm so glad to say that the art swap project between April and I was a success. Goes to show that when we want something done, despite our contradicting schedules, it will happen, even better than what we've already planned.
So earlier, April and I have set our feet again on the place where we've been a few months back... where the craze has started.. of the mall of which The Cab show we've both attended (on the same dang side of the stage even) but didn't know each other way back then. We're back in Glorietta 3 and this time, we're aware of each other's presence.
I won't go on very elaborate details anymore but I'm just glad we were able to make this happen. (Below are just bits.)
I don't feel too good with my work (but she liked it) so I gave her another gift (found a doodle novel on a trip to a bookshop by luck and I gave it to her) and she's so nice to actually appreciate both.
And I loved her work. So much.
We ate (dinner for me, breakfast for her since she's on a graveyard shift and her "day" at work is just about to start), we talked about The Cab and our lives a lot a night may not be even enough.
We promised to meet again some time in the future when we are both available and it doesn't always have to be Joseph Thunder-related or whatever. I think I have mentioned it before and I'd say it again, Joey may have been the friendship spark that we needed but it is our choice to keep the friendship fire burning for as long as we both want it. And I want that flame to last long; for a lifetime. I would like to believe the same for her.
It was raining real hard that night/earlier (pouring, marks the end of summer season, I guess) and "thunder" is making its presence felt (thunderstorms!!! See what I did there?) I didn't have my umbrella with me (also read as, I'm too lazy to get it on my huge bag for it was on it, deep) I was so worried her artwork would get damaged but I'm glad we (me and the artwork) got home safe. I'm pretty soaked but at least the artwork is still in one piece.
I thank April for such a short but fun time.

Her doodle shall hang safely on my dorm room next week. 

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Save The First Time For The Best and Vice Versa

23:55:00 APRILSKELTER 0 Comments

Even with it being a famous destination, it is actually the first time that I was able to go to the city of Pines. My family is just not a family of travel. Not that I would mind, I'm fine with staying in our humble home, but it is also good to get to see the world (the country for the matter) in a while. What's made it more special is that I came with my free-spirited buddies and what a fun blast it was.

It was a short stay, two days and technically a night, so to speak. We stayed in La Union (at Cres' extended family, mother side) and gallivanted around Baguio the first day, and swam the morning away in Tapuakan River in La Union (barely two hours soaked and it is already evident in my arms, how ridiculously funny is that). They say time passes by real fast when you're having fun but in my case, it is the opposite -- time slows down when you are with the best, the people you care about and whose company you enjoy the most.
It is just may be the second time that we had an out-of-town trip together but both adventures did the same magic to me, to us. It felt like a week. All the months of constant longing, of clingy tendencies, of jobs and overtime at work consuming our day... A weekend off is just so worth it.
I won't flood this post with lovely photos for all the photos are in Bygold's boyfriend's Facebook. (Thanks, papa Edieson!)
I'm so ready for the next "first time". Can hardly wait.


Thoughts in mind as of this post:
I am pretty much the type who would catalogue (at least in mind) all of my "first time"s. Alright. First time I came/went to.. ate this.. met blah blah, saw... Big deal. But there are first times that I don't even remember vividly at all. Does that mean they aren't really that special and all? I'd like to stray from the norm and say this: real "first times" are just labels that we must all get over and done with. It isn't the first time that we've been/done this and that, but it's the first time that we've felt this.. and/or that. So the bottomline I guess is that it's all about what we've felt at that certain point.
Those are the "moments" for safe keeping. And it's all going to be for the "first time".

PS: Just because I don't see first time occurences as special as before doesn't mean I'm getting less sentimental than I actually am but I learned in time to understand quite a few things. Actually, I'm past being sentimental and might be bordering on emotional now and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. (Ha ha just kidding.) Tata! 

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Gatsby From The South

21:25:00 APRILSKELTER 4 Comments

If you've been following my Blogger posts you may be already aware that I suck at making short updates, so let me just warn you that this... is a long one. (Read: LONG) Well I expect to be busy in the coming days I don't know if I'd get to be on again so...

I have just finished reading Francis Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby last Thursday but I have been wanting to see Gatsby eversince I was informed that it will be adapted into the big screen. It is one of those books that I'm forever curious and I would like to see coming into life.

If you haven't read the book and/or watched the film then... what exactly are you doing here? Hahaha. Kidding. I can't promise that there will be no spoilers or anything but might as well recount the events of the day. Which is also why this can't really be classified as a movie/book review in the first place. Just April doing the talk.

Although Jofer* and I have planned to have a movie date months ago, today was pretty unexpected. I was on my way South and so I just let him know and he said okay so after a rather quick trip to my new (details later) office, off to Alabang Town Center (a first time for me!), we went. And I was glad that after years of talking online/over the phone we were able to meet for the first time. It was worth it.

The Movie

As always, the key to enjoy a movie adaptation is to not compare it with the book, which is of course kind of hard because we still compare it anyway.

The fact that Leo DiCaprio is in it (yes, I am a fan) and that is the only thing that I know. I didn't even know that he would play Jay Gatsby. Didn't know Tobey Mcguire was there and that he was Nick Carraway if Jofer didn't mention that Spiderman was in it. I did not recognize Isla Fisher although throughout the film, Myrtle Wilson seemed so familiar. And of course, the ever amazing Carey Mulligan. But those were the actors. Story-wise... since it is true to the book, the film is likable. I was not "in awe" but it is just an "okay" film for me. Direct lines from the book made me cringe for the good and the bad reasons. ("I'm p-paralyzed with happiness." Yep.)

My only problem/s would be: 

1) the additional scenes that were added for 3D purposes. The view from the building and the bridge? For some odd moments we were like "Spiderman?" and that Tobey would extend his arm forward and unleash the webs.

2) the soundtrack. It's the 1920's and rap party music, really? I am yet to Google it but is the executive producer Shawn Carter, Jay Z? If he is the rapper Jay Z then that would probably explain it. Plus, the Crazy In Love thing. I'm sorry, I just don't dig it for a film set in the 20's. It did bother me for a while hahaha. On second thought, the film being set on the city that never sleeps... maybe it is but proper to have that.

I did like how Leo has portrayed Gatsby, though. Call me biased but the smile Carraway and Jordan Baker has described is how I pictured it to be. Weird enough, when he lose his temper at one point, he reminded me of his The Revolutionary Road character, Frank. I guess Leo is Leo.

The green light reminds me of Lumos Maxima hahaha. Upon seeing the JG logo, John Green is the first person that came into my mind. Oh, and the bromance. Got to love the bromance.

The Book

It's a depressing read, to be honest. It did not make me cry just like the previous books that I've read but after finishing it, I felt... weird. It pissed me and pleased me (will give 5 stars on Goodreads) and I felt emotional.

Felt bad when Gatsby died and no one except Nick would attend at the funeral. Goes to show how people only remembers the bad stuff and judge, overpowering all the good deeds that you have done while you're alive. And that's how it is.

To love someone to the point of madness is deadly. Literally. I'm not saying Gatsby is mad, but should we love and love someone, it also has its limitations. You can't force someone to love you back as much as you would love them. And, marrying someone for the sake of money/wealth is always a thing in every generation and that is just sad.

Also, it is pointless to try to relive the past. We keep on coming back especially if it something really happy and great, but you have to consider so many things so you'd be able to create a good future out of it. And it isn't just about the material things, if you know what I mean.

Two things, though:
1) You go into a party and you don't even know the host? Which reminds me of that Jordan Baker quote (why she loved huge parties)
2) You're one of the richest person in town and some random, armed, man can enter your mansion without being noticed? Whatever happened to the security.

The best thing about it, also according to Carraway, is that there is Hope. I couldn't agree more.

What's the best way to end a day? Visit a bookstore, of course. It's like christening the mall to me. You haven't really been to a mall if you have not been into one of its bookshops, at least that's how it works for me.

In other news... I'm moving South. It'll be like turning over a new leaf for me -- New work environment; new stuff since it'll be all about design this time (my former job, although it was also on the construction field, is not focused on this aspect so basically it is like a new thing for me); will be dealing with new workmates. I'm dreading Monday and I'm excited at the same time.

"So we beat on, boats against the current borne back ceaselessly into the past."

* Jofer is one of those few Potterheads that I still get to keep in touch even when the books and films were done. Not that we shouldn't move on with Harry Potter, but you know, the fandoms may end but friendship created through those fandoms should not. I know, I'm being pretty sentimental when it comes to friendships lol (maybe that is why WGWG, of all the John Green books that is out there, appeals to me the most). But yeah, I'm just thankful and glad. 
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The X Factor That Is In Demi Lovato

21:36:00 APRILSKELTER 0 Comments

Rock and underground music may have occupied most of the contents of my phone's player but I am also fond of pop/blues act like Sara Bareilles, David Archuleta, Ingrid Michaelson to acoustic and folk like Darren Criss, Fun, and the likes. I am not the type who goes to check the Billboard or whatever charts that there is to get updated with the latest, hottest, acts at a certain moment. I am the one who usually checks an artist through friends' suggestions, and/or discover them meself through the films that I have previously seen (movie soundtracks) or was mentioned on the books that I have previously read. No wonder most of the songs that I am getting hooked right now are far beyond my age, because of say for example The Perks of Being a Wallflower of which has introduced me to The Smiths, and a couple of other oldies acts from other good reads/watch such as The Zombies, Chad Valley, Debbie Gibson, Kate Bush, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and a lot more.

So recently I have learned that Demi Lovato has released a new self-titled album and through the help of two of my friends, I went on listening to it.

I listen to Disney artists, yes, but it just isn't my main thing. I am under the impression that most of the times, they make them go all-around the business even when it isn't really what they do best, say, just because you can act doesn't mean you can actually sing, or dance really well (and sorry to say I'm just not into it. It happens, unfortunately, even on our local music scene. Everyone, as in EVERYONE, makes albums now and the public freaking patronizes it even though..... okay, whatever. Moving on...) Some are so overrated. But Demi Lovato is the exception. She is this awesome artist that, in my honest opinion, is the best singer of her generation that Disney has ever produced. Sorry, Selena and Miley, but she sure does is the singer among the three. Nobody would argue that Selena is the best dancer, though. But I am more of a Demi fan (although not an avid to the point of seeing her perform when she came for a one night concert here last time) because for me, she has the real singing talent.

So the Demi so good. I even have her Unbroken album (preceding Demi) and it is nothing compared to this recent one. I am glad that she didn't go to the path that most of the artists/bands right now are going... they tend to try to please the listeners by going to the genre that's currently on the roll (sadly if not folk, auto-tuned). I am more than pleased that she came back to her roots - Ballads and light pop. I am no musical analyst/genius but her vibrato is really great and ballads just bring out the best that's in her. Plus she didn't have to go all upbeat and dance-y and dark (just like what most of the songs off Unbroken are) because simple catchy pop rock songs are what she does best. This album even reminded me of her Camp Rock days -- so pure, so light and amazingly fun. It also doesn't hurt that she co-wrote some of the songs in here as well.

My personal faves: It is so hard to choose, really, but I really dig Never Been Hurt, Something That We're Not, Shouldn't Come Back and Without The Love.

If you are on a partying mood, Neon Lights is going to do the trick for you. And if you want to be amazed by her vocal prowess, go listen to Nightingale and Warrior. The other remaining tracks aren't bad, either.

I am more than impressed that it's been on repeat tonight. I suggest you all grab her album especially if you are feeling so down because she's going to make you feel so good.


What's Inside....


Me Before You
November 9
P.S. I Still Love You
To All the Boys I've Loved Before
These Inconvenient Fireworks
Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes
Six Earlier Days
Are We There Yet?

April Ann's favorite books »

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”
- George R.R Martin