Of Band Dudes, Books and Happy Endings
I suppose it is too early to make a review of the book that's consumed most of my free (even the not-so-free time, but sshh that's just between the two of us. Who can resist the Kellan Kyle, anyway? Keira can't. So do I.) time because the book it is just a few days old/fresh from its release (March 5th), so I'll do what I do best and that is to randomly share my general views about it... in a very non-spoiler-ish way, hopefully. I suck at making one, anyway. And I guess let us just leave the formal review to the Goodreads people. ;-)I admire S.C. Stephens for coming up with a character that is so well-characterized he seemed real. Maybe it is Keira's constant adoration of his features, or just the fact that band dudes are so dear to my heart and music is one of my favourite things in the world that has made Kellan Kyle (and the whole series) likeable. It has been mentioned on my previous posts that I have issues regarding this series because of its genre, and it is the first of its kind that I have read but perhaps it has made me grow up. A bit. And has helped me (kind of) understand a couple of things. Uh.. Personal, "sexual" things.
I am forever curious about the behind-the-scenes of touring, the bands involved and the loved ones that they have (temporarily) left because it is what their job entails and it delighted me that this book has offered as much from the small gigs to the tour line up and backstage actions. That is just rad.
It has introduced me to this love that is flawed but was tested by life and all its crap making it strong with full trust on both parties.
Kellan Kyle, to me, is one of the best book boyfriends that has ever been introduced to life. I may not have an actual boyfriend with him setting this high standard. (Hahahaha nah, I believe I'll get to meet my very own version of Kellan Kyle in time.) He's just too sweet and loyal.. and hot.. and caring. Just the ideal mix of the fun, wit, talent (music), good and bad.
I'm not going to lie, I hated Keira Allen for most of the times circa Thoughtless. But the character has matured throughout the book and she became a really fine, understanding woman. A caring sister. A supportive lover. Someone our Kellan deserved to have.
Lastly, I may be a sucker for happy endings. Inasmuch as tragic endings and twists put me in awe, it warms my heart to know that despite everything that has happened, everything will eventually fall into its right places. And everyone will live happily, as we all (some secretly) wish to be. Who doesn't want to achieve the ultimate happiness, yes? Admit it, we want that happiness. We need it, we yearn for it. We continuously search for it... in any media or form; in material stuff; from people; from the attention those people could give us. Most of the times we are never satisfied which makes us human as human can be. We may not know where the search will lead us and when but yes, it will definitely happen when it is due: with the right people, the right time and place. Dang I sounded sappy and cliche-ish on that one but that's the truth.
And Keira has found it with Kellan. (Lucky biatch haha. Kidding. I love those two. Forever shipping KK.)
To end this may I quote (and hope not to spoil) S.C. Stephens, summing up the whole Thoughtless series and life in general..
"Passion, friendship, love, loyalty, trust... if you found the right person.. you really could have it all."
Happy reading!
Lucky biatch!!! Ganda ng blog mo about Thoughtless series! ;) this, is the exact same feeling I felt about the book. Omg! Thanks!;)
ReplyDeleteThanks... mate. ;) Hurry up with your reading! So I wouldn't get to spoil you haha